2 julio, 2024

Permanent investments: what they are, income, types, examples

The permanent investments These are accounts that represent a company’s investments, including stocks, bonds, real estate, and cash. They are found on the asset side of a company’s balance sheet. They are assets that an organization intends to hold for the long term.

Therefore, they are non-current assets that are not used in operating activities to generate income. That is, they are assets that are held for more than one year and are used to create other income outside of the normal operations of the company.

Traditionally, a balance sheet divides total long-term assets into permanent investments, plant or fixed assets, and intangible assets. In this way, investors can see how much the company is investing in its operations compared to other activities.


Comparison with temporary investments

The Permanent Investments account differs greatly from the Temporary Investments account, as temporary investments are likely to be sold fairly quickly, while permanent investments will not sell for years, and in some cases never at all.

Being a lifelong investor means that you are willing to accept some risk in the pursuit of potentially higher rewards and that you can afford to be patient for a longer period of time.

An interest-bearing security may produce only a few percentage points of gain each year. However, the appreciation of a stock can produce double-digit returns and increase the portfolio many times in the future.

What are permanent investments?

If temporary investing is about preserving capital, permanent investing is about creating wealth.

A company does not usually buy bonds as part of its operations, unless it is an investment firm. For a manufacturing company, buying bonds is considered an investment.

It’s about creating the kind of investment portfolio that will provide income for later in the business. That could be supplemental income.

Investing for the long term means accepting a certain amount of risk in the pursuit of higher rewards. This usually means investments like stocks and real estate.

Balance Sheet Classification

When a holding company or other firm buys bonds or common stocks as an investment, the decision to classify the investment as temporary or permanent has some pretty important implications for how those assets are valued on the balance sheet.

Short-term investments are marked by the market, and any decrease in value is recognized as a loss.

However, increases in value are not recognized until the item is sold. Therefore, the classification of an investment on the balance sheet, whether short or long term, has a direct impact on the net income reported on the income statement.

business investments

A business investment may not be a permanent investment. However, a company may hold onto the investment with the intention of selling it in the more distant future.

These investments are classified as “available for sale”, provided that the anticipated date of sale is not within the next 12 months.

Permanent available-for-sale investments are recorded at cost when purchased and are subsequently adjusted to reflect their fair value at the end of each period.

Unrealized holding gains or losses are recorded as “other income” until the permanent investment is sold.

Income from permanent investments

In permanent investments there is an almost constant dilemma between security and growth. Security offers protection of money invested, but not much future potential.

In fact, at current interest rates, safe investments can lose money through inflation.

That is where growth is necessary. It does have risks, but the best permanent investments will outweigh those risks and increase your money many times over.

Since there is no way to know for sure what the best income will be, or avoid short-term dips, the best strategy is to invest in all types of assets at the same time.

The average annual return from stocks, based on the S&P 500, is on the order of 10% per year. That includes both capital gains and dividend income.

Prepare to endure ups and downs

The risk of permanent investments is that they can lose value at any given time. They are capital investments, but have no guarantee of repayment of the principal.

However, since they will be around for the long term, they will have a chance to recover. Although an investment may drop 20% in the next five years, it could double or triple in value in the next 10 years.

You must also think long term to maximize investment returns. Instead of selling a stock that has a 50% gain in five years, you have to wait longer, to get 100% or more.

Don’t overemphasize the price-earnings ratio

Investors often place great importance on the price-earnings ratio, but it is not advisable to place too much emphasis on any one indicator. The price-earnings ratio is best used in conjunction with other analytical processes.

Resist the lure of cheap stocks

Some mistakenly believe that there is less to lose with low-priced stocks. However, if a $5 stock plunges to $0 or a $75 stock does the same, you will have lost 100% of your initial investment.

Types of permanent investments


In many ways, stocks are the number one permanent investment. They have the following advantages:

– They are “paper” investments. Therefore, you do not have to manage a property or a business.

– They represent ownership in profit-generating companies.

– They can increase in value over the long term, often dramatically.

– Many stocks pay dividends, providing constant income.

– Most are very liquid, allowing them to be bought and sold quickly and easily.

– The investment portfolio can be spread across dozens of different companies and industries.

– You can invest across international borders.

long term bonds

These are interest-bearing securities with terms of more than 10 years. There are different types of long-term bonds, such as corporate, government, municipal, and international bonds.

The main attraction of bonds is usually the interest rate. Since they are long-term in nature, they generally pay higher yields than short-term interest-bearing securities.

The biggest risk for bonds is that interest rates rise. The risk is that you will be locked into the bond for many years, at a below-market interest rate.

If interest rates fall below the rate at which the bond is purchased, the market value of the bond could increase.

mutual funds

They function as portfolios of a large number of different stocks and bonds. Because of that diversification, they can be one of the best long-term investments available.

All that needs to be done is allocate an amount into one or more funds, and the money will be invested on behalf of the investor.

The funds can be used to invest in the financial markets in virtually any way you like.

For example, if you want to invest in the general market, you might choose a fund based on a broad index, such as the S&P 500. Funds can also invest in stocks or bonds.

You can also invest in specific sectors of the market. It could be high tech, where you choose a fund with that specialization.

Real estate

Real estate is frequently mentioned as an alternative to stocks as the best permanent investment.

The most basic way to invest in real estate is to own your own local. Unlike other investments, real estate can be highly leveraged, especially if you are an owner occupant.



The land itself is a long-term asset that is typically used in a company’s operations, but it doesn’t have to be.

For example, a manufacturer looking to expand their factory might purchase 300 acres of land. Use 100 acres to build the factory plant.

The manufacturer keeps the other 200 acres and hopes to sell them to another company that is looking to get a space to buy in the industrial park.

This land is considered an investment and is not used in the company’s operations. Therefore, it is classified as a permanent investment and not as a fixed asset.

growth stocks

These are shares of companies with the main attraction of their long-term growth. Often they do not pay dividends, if they do they are very low.

The returns on these stocks can be gigantic. Apple’s action is an excellent example. As recently as 1990, it could have been purchased for less than $1. However, Apple is currently trading at approximately $208 per share.

Apple is an example of a classic growth hit. There are other success stories, but there are at least as many growth stocks that never go anywhere.

High Dividend Stocks

High-dividend stocks are issued by companies that return a substantial amount of net earnings to their shareholders. These stocks often pay higher returns than fixed income investments.

For example, while the current yield on a 10-year US Treasury bond is 2.79%, high-dividend stocks often pay more than 3% per year.

Examples: AT&T, with a dividend yield of 5.57%, Verizon, with a dividend yield of 4.92%, and General Electric, with a dividend yield of 3.61%.

They also have the prospect of capital appreciation. However, a decline in earnings could make it difficult for a company to pay dividends.


Alexandra Twin (2019). Long-Term Investments. Investopedia. Taken from: investopedia.com.
Investopedia (2019). 10 Tips for Successful Long-Term Investing. Taken from: investopedia.com.
Kevin Mercadante (2019). Best Long-Term Investment Strategies & Products. Good Financial Cents. Taken from: goodfinancialcents.com.
My Accounting Course (2019). What are Long-Term Investments? Taken from: myaccountingcourse.com.
TIAA (2019). Five principles for long-term investments. Taken from: tiaa.org.
Wealth Pilgrim (2019). What is a Long Term Investment? Taken from: wealthpilgrim.com.

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