Publicada enQ&A Whale shark: characteristics, habitat, feeding, behavior Publicado por Por Santiago Barlau 6 septiembre, 2023 He whale shark (Rhincodon typus) is a marine animal belonging to the Rhincodontidae family. It…
Publicada enQ&A Red algae: what they are, characteristics, reproduction, applications Publicado por Por Santiago Barlau 6 septiembre, 2023 What are red algae? The red algae o Rhodophytas are a phylum of organisms of…
Publicada enQ&A Ometéotl: meaning and mythology Publicado por Por Santiago Barlau 6 septiembre, 2023 ometeotl, whose name in Nahuatl can be translated as "double god or dual god", was…
Publicada enQ&A Gustavo Rojas Pinilla: biography, government, works Publicado por Por Santiago Barlau 6 septiembre, 2023 Gustavo Rojas Pinilla (1900-1975) was a civil engineer and politician born in Tunja (Colombia) in…
Publicada enQ&A Gordon Allport: biography and theory of personality Publicado por Por Santiago Barlau 6 septiembre, 2023 Gordon Allport (1897-1967) was an American psychologist who dedicated himself to the study of personality.…
Publicada enQ&A Lion: what it is, characteristics, behavior, reproduction Publicado por Por Santiago Barlau 6 septiembre, 2023 What is the lion? He lion (Panthera leo) It is a placental mammal belonging to…
Publicada enQ&A Otto Arosemena Gómez: who he was, biography and works during his presidency Publicado por Por Santiago Barlau 6 septiembre, 2023 Who was Otto Arosemena Gómez? Otto Arosemena Gomez (1925-1984) was an Ecuadorian politician and lawyer,…
Publicada enQ&A Callistemon citrinus: characteristics, habitat, uses, diseases Publicado por Por Santiago Barlau 6 septiembre, 2023 Callistemon citrinus It is a species of medium-sized evergreen ornamental shrub that belongs to the…
Publicada enQ&A highest Scandinavian mountains Publicado por Por Santiago Barlau 6 septiembre, 2023 The scandinavian mountains The highest ones belong to the Scandinavian peninsula, located in the northeast…
Publicada enQ&A Literary impressionism: what it is, origin, characteristics, representatives Publicado por Por Santiago Barlau 6 septiembre, 2023 what is the literary impressionism? He literary impressionism It was a movement that was born…