5 julio, 2024

High quality of life: what it is, indicators, strategies, countries

What is high quality of life?

The quality of life high It is one in which the individuals of a country achieve high levels of well-being, satisfaction and happiness due to the good conditions, both social and natural, of the region.

The quality of human life is a concept used to determine the level of well-being, happiness and satisfaction that a person has at a given moment.

A high quality of life would consist of a good physical, psychological and social functioning, which allows a good adaptation of the individual to his environment so that he does not have impediments to live adequately.

It can be evaluated and measured, and strategies and interventions can be developed to improve it. Its main indicators are health, personal well-being, happiness and personal adjustment, although there may be many more.

Indicators of high quality of life


It would be defined as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”.

Health is not considered an abstract state but a means, which allows us to lead an individual, socially and economically productive life, and therefore allows us to have quality of life.

Personal welfare

It refers to the overall assessment of the state of the person. Like the quality of life, it concerns the present of the individual (current state). However, this concept requires future-proofing.

That is, an individual will have personal well-being if all or most of their functions are in an optimal state at present and the continuity of this correct functioning is ensured.


It could be defined as personal satisfaction based on the specific goals and desires of the individual.

In this concept, the objectives and expectations of the person are very important. Happiness is a concept that would explain a good part of the quality of life.

Personal fit and environment

It could be defined as the harmony of the different facets of the person with their environment.

This concept makes special reference to the relationship between subject and environment. An individual has personal adjustment if all aspects of her life function properly, in accordance with each other.

In recent times, clean air and an unpolluted environment have been added as indicators of a high quality of life. Thus, the individuals who manage to live in places like this, and manage to satisfy their other vital needs, achieve that personal adjustment we are talking about.

Strategies to increase quality of life

1. Analyze your emotions and thoughts

Everything we do during the day, the things we think about, how we do it and what feelings we have, has a direct effect on our well-being and our quality of life.

In other words: depending on how we interpret, think and do things, we will be better or worse. The way we function is the first requirement for our well-being.

Find out what your habitual thoughts are for a whole day. Are they always positive? Are they mostly negative? Do they always respond to logic or are they guided by your emotions and feelings?

Keep in mind that positive emotions and prolonged moments in which you are in a good mood will increase your quality of life and your satisfaction.

2. Analyze your activities

Our behavior always has a direct effect on our thoughts and feelings. Thus, it will not be enough to analyze how you think and what feelings you usually have, but at the same time you will have to do the same with your actions.

Analyze your schedule of activities that you have for a week. Write down what you do, how you do it, the reason and the feeling that each activity produces in you. Are they all justified, have a clear objective and do they reward you in something?

Does the number of activities you do fit your occupation needs? Would you like to do more or less? Are there any activities that you would like to stop doing or are there activities that you would like to do but don’t do?

To reach the state of quality of life it is very important that you like your life and feel comfortable with what you do every day.

3. Review your goals

We all need to have goals in our lives, so if you can’t think of any personal goals you currently have while reading this, the first thing you need to do is include one in your life.

Goals don’t have to be dreams or long-term goals, they are anything you want to achieve.

Keeping your current job, taking care of your relationship with your relatives, ensuring that your children receive a good education or continuing to see your childhood friend with whom you have such a good relationship are already objectives, and very important.

I recommend making a list of all the personal goals you have and make sure that:

Be specific, measurable, achievable, and relevant to you.
Have defined deadlines.
You have mechanisms to achieve them, you know what those mechanisms are, and you are executing them.
They bring you some kind of satisfaction and well-being.

4. Work your conscience

Working consciousness is to perform those actions that allow you to increase your mental clarity and increase your confidence in the actions you do. To achieve this, these two activities are good:


Meditation activities, such as yoga or mindfulness, have innumerable benefits for both your body and mind.

If you are able to have control over your consciousness, modulate your concentration and direct your attention properly, you will have greater clarity of ideas, which will give you personal satisfaction.

emotion management

Don’t automate what you feel during the day. Write them down, think about them, how they have been produced, why, and what has been your reaction.

If you do, you will become aware of the feelings and emotions you have during the day and you will increase your ability to manage them and improve your emotional state.

5. Promote your health

When you develop a disease or you do not have an optimal state of health, the quality of life will be greatly hampered. For this reason it is recommended:

Go to the doctor periodically to prevent the development of any type of disease.
Eat in a healthy and balanced way to promote your health, avoid eating problems and improve your personal image.
Exercising regularly to improve the state of the body, prevent physical problems and increase mental well-being, mood, self-image and self-esteem.

6. Rest properly

Similarly, in order to function properly you must give your body the rest it needs. Try never to sleep less than 7 hours or overexpose your body to extremely aggressive physical activities for a long time.

Resting properly will provide you with multiple physical benefits: immune system, blood pressure, heart rate, metabolism, etc. And it will allow you to reach a mental state of greater tranquility and well-being.

7. Avoid risky behaviors

Promoting your health with the activities mentioned above and getting adequate rest will not guarantee you good health if you do not avoid risky behaviors. Therefore:

Even if you eat in a healthy and healthy way, try not to eat foods that can be harmful to health, such as excess salt, sugar or fried foods with a lot of fat.
Even if you do physical activity, do not have an extremely sedentary life. Try to keep your lifestyle active and don’t spend long hours sitting or lying down.
Avoid hygiene problems and clean yourself properly daily.
Avoid toxic habits, the consumption of substances such as alcohol, tobacco or other drugs.

8. Take care of your personal relationships

You also have to take care of the social environment, foster comfortable and enriching family and friendship relationships.

Spend time with your children, organize family events, meet your friends often, care about the people around you and give them help whenever they need it.

9. Enjoy your surroundings

Although it is sometimes difficult to get close to natural environments, the existence of parks and green «niches» is increasingly common in large developed cities. Walking and spending an afternoon in a park, surrounded by trees, is essential to have contact with nature.

Taking advantage of these spaces helps to feel a closer bond with the environment and in the same way benefits are obtained. And it is always good to go out for a walk, because walking seeing others, feeling the sun and the breeze, allow us to feel gratitude for life.

10. Strengthen solidarity

Good deeds boost energy, increase feelings of well-being and personal satisfaction, improve self-esteem, and often bring happiness. So, he tries to carry out this premise: «I will do something good for others whenever I can.»

It is not about spending your life helping anyone you meet, but rather maintaining a positive attitude towards others, and providing help to people you trust who need it.

The 10 countries with the highest quality of life

The following are the 10 countries with the highest quality of life in the world, according to US News & World Report:

New Zealand.


Gallar, M. (2006). Communication in the health field. In Health Promotion and Psychological Support to the patient. Chapter 2. Madrid: Thomson Auditorium.
Lyons, AC and Chamberlain, K. (2006). Health psychology: a critical introduction. London: Sage.
Marks, DF, Murray, M., Evans, C., Willig, C., Woodlall, C., & Sykes, C. (2005). Health psychology: Theory, research, practice. Second edition. London: Sage.
Medina, JA and Cenbranos, F. (2002). Program: And what do you think? 2nd edition. Madrid: Foundation for Help Against Drug Addiction FAD. 1st edition 1996 (Website FAD).
Simón, MA (Ed.) (1999) Manual of Health Psychology. Madrid Pyramid.

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