What is written communication?
The written communication It is one that is done through words and according to a code, always written on supports such as paper, mobile screens, computers, etc. In general, we can identify the code with the language in which the communication is verified, although there are codes of other types.
In its beginnings, written communication was carried out through pictograms. It was the Phoenicians who invented alphabetic writing, in which each letter represents a sound. This is the system we still use today.
Alphabetic writing has been a fundamental technology for the development of civilization. It allowed recording knowledge and transmitting it from generation to generation.
In our digital age, written communication has invaded the screens: we find it on social networks, web pages and in the billions of emails that are sent daily.
It can also be seen on city walls (like graffiti), in all kinds of advertisements, in books, notebooks, and on any surface capable of holding a written sign (paper, wood, rocks, screens, etc. .).
Characteristics of written communication
Persists in time
What is recorded in writing does not depend on individual memory, nor will it be lost in oblivion when the members of a generation die, but remains in time.
Allows communication over distance
Whether in the form of books, magazines, emails, or instant messages, written communication can reach recipients anywhere in the world.
is sequential
Contrary to oral communication, which is received by a listener almost at the same time that it is emitted by the speaker, written communication is sequential: first it is emitted and then it is received; that is, first the sender writes and then the receiver reads.
It is subject to spelling rules
When we communicate orally, it doesn’t matter if the word “shoe” begins with zo with s. On the other hand, written communication is expected to fully comply with the spelling rules.
It is transmitted in various media
Throughout its history, written communication has been transmitted on various supports. Among the oldest are papyrus and parchment; later the paper was imported from China. Today there are digital media.
can be corrected
Unlike oral language, written communication allows it to be reviewed as many times as necessary; that also means that you can plan what is going to be written.
Types and Examples of Written Communication
Books, magazines, newspapers
Traditional written communication consists of ink printed on a paper support. This is the case of books, magazines, the press, brochures or flyers.
Reports are another type of written communication. They can be used for commercial, educational, legal or scientific purposes.
Email has replaced the letter and memorandum as a means of business communication, as they have many advantages. The first of these is immediacy; it is also more economical, since it does not need ink or paper.
Social networks
The most widespread written communication today is found on social networks. We not only find it in tweets or Facebook posts, but also in descriptions and comments on YouTube and Instagram videos.
Letters, notebooks, notebooks
Beyond the use of new technologies, there are still people who write by hand. The letters continue to be a good example, as well as the notes we take in class, captured in notebooks and notebooks. The American writer Paul Auster writes his novels by hand, and then transcribes them on his computer.
Emails. Fax. Telegrams. Advertising/announcements. Traffic signs with text.
Elements of written communication
For the act of written communication to be verified, five elements are required, which are:
The person or device that emits the written message. It can be a person sending a text message, a writer writing a novel, or a computer operating system showing us a dialog box.
It is the person or device that receives and decodes the written message. An Internet search engine reads the search terms that we have entered, in a similar way to how we ourselves read a novel.
It is the content or meaning of written communication. It can be a whole novel, a poem, a simple text like “I’m leaving in 15 minutes” or a single word: “Thank you”.
It is the language in which written communication takes place. It can also be the code with which a programmer communicates with the computer. For written communication to take place, it is essential that both the sender and the receiver use the same code.
It is the physical support through which communication occurs. It can be paper, the mobile or computer screen, or a wall, in the case of a graffiti.
Importance of written communication
It made possible the development of trade
Writing was originally invented as a way of recording business transactions, at a time (4000 BC) when these were already too numerous to trust to memory. Writing made possible the growth of trade and the development of civilization.
Increased human knowledge
By being recorded on papyri and scrolls (ancient great-grandparents of today’s paper), knowledge could be preserved and passed on to the next generation. In this way the knowledge of humanity began to grow. Schools and universities could count on books.
It allowed the organization of large-scale societies
Writing made it possible to write penal codes, marriage and business contracts, wills, business records, among other documents that are essential for the functioning of large-scale civilizations, such as the ancient Babylonian Empire.
It allowed the birth of literature
Written communication is the raw material of one of the main fine arts: literature. Writing established narrative and poetic styles that were transformed and perfected over the centuries.
It allowed the development of computing
Programming codes and algorithms are forms of written communication that tell the computer how to act under certain circumstances.
increase culture
Written communication allows the accumulation and storage of knowledge. To the extent that what has already been written is read, knowledge in any field also increases, be it historical, scientific, social, artistic, cultural or literary.
Advantages of written communication
Preserve the information
With writing, a greater amount of information can be preserved than that supported by human memory and for a much longer time than a person’s lifetime. Thus, complex knowledge can be passed from one generation to another.
favors accuracy
While oral communication is always a bit improvised, since we express ideas as they arise, writing allows us to think through an idea before expressing it, which gives it accuracy.
Enables the existence of authoritative documents
«Words are carried away by the wind,» says a saying. Which means they are easily forgotten. On the other hand, the agreements that are recorded in writing (contracts) remain, therefore they generate commitment and provide a basis for future claims, if necessary.
Valid criminal evidence is considered
During a criminal trial, written texts are considered important evidence. For example, some text messages can be evidence of sexual harassment; an internal memo can show illegal conduct in a company.
Allows communication in time and space
Writing allows us to communicate with someone who is far away not only in space (via email or instant message), but also in time: we still read the great novels of the 19th century and study the jurisprudence of the Roman Empire.
oral communication
It is one that takes place through the voice and words. For two people to communicate in this way, a shared code and a physical medium are needed.
The code is the language in which it is spoken. All people need to know it for communication to be effective. The physical medium can be the telephone, a videoconference or simply the air.
(2010). Writing. Britannica Student Encyclopedia. Vol. 15. Editorial team (2021). Written communication: definition, advantages and disadvantages. Taken from indeed.com. Havelock, E. (1996). The muse learns to write. Paidos: Buenos Aires. Writing (2020). Written Communication. Taken from todosobrecomunicacion.com.