16 septiembre, 2024

What is the NFS protocol? | Bootcamps

The NFS protocol (Network File System) or Network File System is a standard used so that several computers that belong to the same network can access the files and share, store and update them from a remote device, as if they were on the user’s computer.

It is based on a client and server type architecture, and is used in file systems that are distributed over a local network. There may be several clients or computers that establish a connection with the files on a server. So, the nfs protocol server is the device that contains stored files and is what allows the NFS client to access them through the use of commands.

Furthermore, this protocol belongs to the application level according to the OSI Open Systems Interconnection Model.

NFS protocol features

The Network File System Protocol fulfills the main function of centralize data and files on a single server, which makes it unnecessary to use memory units on other devices, and they can read or download the files. This function is especially useful when it comes to a large number of users who need to edit these files, as may be the case with a company or organization.

Files and resources shared over the network in this protocol can be disk drives, so there will be no need to have a disk drive for each devicebut it can be had on a single device that functions as a server, which saves hardware costs.

Another NFS utility allows remote access from one device to another, as long as they are connected to the same network.

NFS versions

This protocol It was developed around 1984 by the technology company Sun Microsystems and it has several versions, including NFSv2 (found in RFC 1094) or version 2, which is the most used and supported by the various operating systems, although it is the one that presents the most errors and security problems.

On the other hand, NFSv3 or version 3 is located in the Request For Comments (RFC) 1813, which is more efficient than the previous version, but which have compatibility problems with former clients of the system.

These two versions allow the User Data Protocol o UDP protocol offers stateless network connections between clients and NFS server. And also, make it easy to manage mounting and exporting file systems according to the device that makes the request, but it does not allow access control to the file system by users and presents security problems.

Regarding NFSv4 or version 4 of the nfs protocol, it can be stated that although it is more secure than previous versions, requires certain adjustments and additional services of greater relevance such as the mandatory use of user authentication mechanisms. Furthermore, in this version the use of access control lists is added or permissions for the user to access a certain file or directory and requires TCP or Transmission Control Protocol.

For its part, the updated version NFSv4.1 located in RFC 5661 is designed to improve scalability and parallel access through distributed servers with their respective support.

Advantages and disadvantages of the NFS protocol

One of the great advantages that the use of this protocol brings is, without a doubt, the Multiple clients access files on a server computer, who will also be able to edit and update these files. Another of its benefits is that it has high compatibility with almost any operating system, and that it reduces the need for disk space.

However, the nfs protocols require extensive overload to be able to read the files, and also, its system of blocking files and granting permissions is quite complicated for users.

What is the next step?

Now that you know what the NFS Network File System Protocol is, what its functions are, its versions and the main advantages and disadvantages of its use, Do not hesitate to continue your training through our DevOps & Cloud Computing Full Stack Bootcampwhere in just 6 months you can learn about this and other tools that will allow you improve and streamline your technological development processes.

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