16 septiembre, 2024

What is the funnel or conversion funnel in email marketing?

When we start a strategy, many people think that it is a linear process, that you provide the information, you have a client, the client buys and leaves. And in an ideal world, the process would perhaps be like this. In real life marketing, it is a little more complicated and this is why funnels exist. In this post, we show you what the conversion funnel is in email marketing and why it serves to retain and attract customers in the most appropriate way.

What is a conversion funnel in email marketing?

Before starting an email marketing campaign you must create a conversion funnel or funnel. A conversion funnel is a way of representing the way the user should go from a lead to a client through an email marketing campaign. The email marketing conversion funnel represents all the steps that must be taken for a person to become a customer. It is an edition of the general digital marketing conversion funnel that consists of 4 stages:


This is one way to represent it, there are several ways but this is the best known. Each company has its own way of doing the funnel or conversion funnel in email marketing and for strategies in general. We show you one of the most common funnels:


The first step of the conversion funnel in email marketing is when users enter our main page, be it from a website or a post on a social networkl. The important thing is that a new user enters and encounters a page.


Then follows the first moment of action on the part of the user. At some point during your visit You will offer to be part of your mailing list or to subscribe to receive news or updates from the newsletter; then the user will provide you with their email address.

Something very important within the conversion funnel in email marketing or of this type of strategies in general is that consent is always requested from the user to be part of our contact list.

Mail reception

When the subscriber accepts, the first email will be sent to their inbox. Here it is very relevant to take into account the design and the way in which the email is made.as it must be attractive enough for users to click and open it.


If you have done the design work well, the user will open your email. This is the crucial step within the conversion funnel in email marketing, since Once the email is opened, the probability that they will follow up with another positive action is very high.


Email marketing emails should always have a CTA or call to actionsomething that leads users to take a specific action based on our email. When the user opens our email, it is very likely that they will click on one of the links you offer. Once clicked, it will be taken as a positive for that campaign.


Conversion is the step where the customer has taken the action that was planned for the specific campaign. It can be entering the page, going to the newslettermake a purchase of a specific product… The important thing is that they have carried out the action.


The last step of funnel or conversion funnel in email marketing is the recommendation. Ideally the user will share the email or offer with someone elsemaking us known in their social circles and increasing the visibility that our company may have.

Why use a conversion funnel?

One of the disadvantages of email marketing is that people often get bored of receiving many advertising messages at the same time or in a short period of time. This is why it is important to have a conversion funnel in email marketing, because Through the funnel you can send specific emails for each of the steps and, thus, be able to gently guide the user to take the actions you want them to take.

At the same time, by having a funnel and knowing what type of emails you should do for each stage, It is much easier to implement email personalization, something essential in the new digital world.

Learn more about marketing

If you want to know more about the wonderful world of marketing, you may interested in being part of our Bootcamp in Digital Marketing and Data Analysiswhere you will learn, always accompanied by experts in the sector, about the techniques and strategies that will lead you to succeed in this medium. Enter now and keep learning!

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