16 septiembre, 2024

What is the CAP theorem? | Bootcamps

At the moment, the development of applications, social networks, web pages, locations, etc. they ensure that we all constantly generate a digital footprint which brings with it a large amount of data. Therefore, systems and tools are needed to take advantage of the value of information. This is where the topic of this post becomes important: the CAP theorem.

The CAP theorem was first presented in 2000, however, it is still used when working with distributed systems. This system exposes a dynamic of data use that requires in-depth study and practice due to its complexity. However, if you are here it is because you are very interested, therefore, in this post we explain What is the CAP theorem and how does it work?

What is the CAP theorem?

He CAP theorem or Brewer’s Theorem refers to logic applied to distributed systems or databases. This logic is based on three characteristics: consistency, availability and partition tolerance.

From here, it is established that A database cannot have all three characteristics at the same time., since as one develops, it is complemented by a second and the third is neglected. That is, if a database is consistent and available, then its partition tolerance is very low or unstable.

This system was proposed by Professor Eric A. Brewer for the first time in 2000. and, currently, it continues to be taken into account for the realization of cloud applications. In short, his logic is illustrated through a triangle and then We will explain how it works.

How does the CAP theorem work?

This system, like other Big Data tools, consists of the management and study of data. The CAP theorem states that there is a triangle where the three concepts meet, that is, data consistency, data availability and tolerance to system requests. Below we show you how this type of logic is illustrated in distributed systems. As we have mentioned before, it is reflected through a triangle in which each face takes the place of one of the three characteristics:

From there, you must take it into account if you think organize a distributed system, that is, a simultaneous data storage network as a cloud application. In this way, you will question What are the two fundamental characteristics that will be part of the database architecture and which, therefore, will be rejected.

However, all this does not mean that people should give up any of them, but simply that should be considered once there is a failure or error in the proper functioning of a database.

Finally, this logic works as a premise for optimize data collection, storage, processing and consultation, both in its general and proper development and in case you encounter any failure in the system. So if you are looking to develop or organize some type of distributed system, You must take into consideration the guidelines set forth by the CAP theorem.

What is the next step?

Through this post, we have brought you closer to the definition and functions of the CAP theorem. We hope this has been helpful in your process. However, Remember that the world of data management is very broad and requires a lot of practice. So, from , we recommend our Full Stack Big Data, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Bootcamp. Through him, You will be able to achieve a great knowledge of statistics that will allow you to know if certain variables are related or not.or whether multiple groups of data can be considered different or the same.

A good statistical analysis will provide you with answers that can complement any subsequent model of machine learning more complex. All of this, combining theory (foundations) and practical, simple and realistic examples. What are you waiting for to start? Sign up now!

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