26 julio, 2024

What is SwiftUI | Bootcamps

Today we talk to you about what is SwiftUI. Apple is a company that constantly develops and renews products related to the development of applications for its operating systems, which is why it is necessary to know the latest news from this great company.

In fact, if you want to know more details about Swift, the programming language designed by Apple, We invite you to read the post What is Swift and what are its main features?, in which we mention some of the general aspects of it.

What is SwiftUI?

SwiftUI is a working environment (in English framework) that Apple presented to the public in 2019. Its purpose is to renew or change the way of creating applications. We must highlight that, before this company launched SwiftUI, UIKit was used to create applications for Apple operating systems.

In general, SwiftUI is a work environment that will help you create applications for any Apple device, through the use of the tools that it provides you and its API, also known in English as Application Programming Interfaces.

What is SwiftUI for?

Now that you know what SwiftUI is, you may wonder what it is for or what new features it offers for app development. This has new functionssuch as improved list views, accessibility improvements, and support for multi-column tables.

It also includes new sizes for the widgets intended for the iPadOS system. In the same way, It has a declarative syntax, meaning you can simply tell what the UI will have to do.

On the Apple developer website you can find much more information about what SwiftUI is and the new features it offers.

Where to continue?

After telling you a little about what SwiftUI is and mentioning some of the new features it can bring you, Would you be interested in learning more about everything related to the field of Mobile development? If your answer is yes, we invite you to learn all the knowledge necessary to enter this field of work with the help of our Full Stack Mobile App Development Bootcamp.

At we offer you this bootcamp so that you can learn about the processes of developing cross-platform applications, the fundamentals of designing focused on both iOS and Android and many app design guidelines, as well as some of the essential programming languages, such as Swift. Request information now!

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