26 julio, 2024

What is strptime in Python? | Bootcamps

Do you know what strptime is in Python and what it is used for in your code programs? This is another of the methods from the wide and varied Python library that will help you satisfy all the needs that your code program may have. In this case, this method takes care of represent time-related variables, hours, minutes and seconds of a line of code. Therefore, if you want to learn more, Keep reading this post about what strptime is in Python.

What is strptime in Python?

Among the most important methods related to time that you can use with a programming language, the strptime rn Python method is responsible for carrying out actions regarding time, especially with respect to the date representation. Python’s strptime method creates an object that corresponds to the time information, from a string or a format code.

On the other hand, the result that this function returns is a value that is represented as struct_time, done in gmtime() or localtime(). An example of how this method works in a code program is the following:

date_string = “04 June, 2022”

date_object = datetime.strptime(date_string, «%d %b %y»)

The d, b and y of the previous example correspond to the value of the day, month and year. There are other variables similar to these that configure the format in which these values ​​can be represented.. For example, while there are some that are established when you want to enter the entire month, while there are others that only record the first three letters of the name of the month.

ValueError with Strptime in Python

Many times the strptime method raises a ValueError error when there are problems with the string being passed, since it cannot be parsed with respect to the format or there is an excess of data. At this point, you will have to review the arguments that you have passed to the method and transform them so that they can generate the value in the programming console and on the web page.

Strptime Related Methods

There are other time class methods that are related to the use of strptime in a program made in Python. Some of these are: class time.struct_time, time.time(), time.thread_time(), among other methods from the official documentation of the programming language.

Now that you know what stprtime is in Python, you’re ready to learn how to use it.

How to use strptime?

If you want to use the strptime method in your code programs, you need to see several representations so that you understand how it works. Therefore, continuing with a previous practical exercise on the development of an app that records the movements (income and expenses of an account) on a web platform.

First we established the movement class of the app’s code program. In this example it is necessary to generate a date, with year, month and day, of a certain movement. Therefore, it is set to the self.date variable, the strptime method together with the determinants of year (y), month (m) and day (d). Each of these will represent the digits needed to represent the date:

#import the method to the file

from datetime import strptime

#define the Movement class

class Movement:

def __init__ (self, line):

self.date = strptime(line [«fecha»]%Y – %m – %d)

self.time = line [«hora»]

self.concept = line [«concepto»]

self.income_expense = line [«ingreso_gasto»]

self.amount = line [«cantidad»]

If you want to know more about how strptime works and the methods that correspond to it, we recommend visiting the official Python documentation.

Keep programming with Python

While you already know what strptime is in Python and how you can use the strptime() module in your code programs, we recommend further research into how the methods can be implemented in Python projects.

On the other hand, if you want to become a professional programmer, but you still don’t know how, we recommend checking out the Learn to Program from Scratch Full Stack Jr. Bootcamp program, as we offer comprehensive and intensive training that will open the doors to the IT world for you. . Don’t be left wanting and go ahead and become a Python expert!

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