16 septiembre, 2024

What is SQLite? | Bootcamps

In this post, we tell you a little about what SQLite is, one of the options that Android offers us for storing data on mobile devices intended for this operating system.

In fact, there are other database systems on Android, such as SharedPreferences, Jetpack DataStore, Realm and Room, which you can delve into in our blog.

What is SQLite?

In general terms, what SQLite is refers to a relational database, which is considered public domain, because it is open source or open sourcean aspect that helps make it accessible for application development.

It should be noted that SQLite is considered a library that is in constant process and that implements a SQL database engine, which is characterized by being transactional, not having a server and not requiring prior installation to be able to use it.

Some features of SQLite

Now that you know what SQLite is, let’s think about the answer to what characterizes what SQLite is? Broadly speaking, some of the features of SQLite are:

Android “factory” DB manager. SQLite has limited operations. SQLite has slow processing. Complex to configure (Queries, SQLiteOpenHelper…).

Taking this into account and the characteristics of SQLite, we can say that this SQLite database management has a slow processor which, in turn, ends up being a characteristic that makes the work and execution of the app difficult.

In addition to this, the topic of operations is quite limited, so establishing relationships with the different entities that we want to store within it can sometimes be a bit complicated.

Likewise, what MYSQLite is offers us different classes to have queries and have a Helper that initializes the database and performs operations on it. However, in the end, we will always need our queries in a stringwhich we send to the database to be executed in MYSQLite.

The problem this could have is that query that we write in a string It could be wrong, and at the same time, we might not realize that it won’t work properly until our application is running.

In fact, that error can return erroneous data to our database in MYSQLite or can even crash the application, in the event that the query contains some character that the processor of said database does not understand.

If you want to know more about this database manager and what SQLite is, we recommend that you visit the official SQLite page, where you can find all the information corresponding to what SQLite is and how it works.

Where to continue?

Now that you know what SQLite is and the features of SQLite, Surely you will be interested in knowing much more about these concepts and other terms that are related to the field of mobile app development for different operating systems.

Therefore, we want to tell you that at , in order to help you in your development training process mobilewe have created our Full Stack Mobile App Development Bootcamp, an intensive high-quality training in which you will receive both theoretical and practical instruction accompanied by the best professionals in the sector.

With this bootcamp, you will be able to acquire fundamental information about what cross-platform application development processes are like, what SQLite is, as well as what the app design guidelines are and the fundamentals for designing on iOS and Android. Likewise, you will learn to work with development environments, such as Xcode and Android Studio, as well as some of the most relevant programming languages ​​for a mobile app developer, such as Kotlin and Swift. Request information and sign up now so we can accompany you in your training process!

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