1 agosto, 2024

What is SIEM? | Bootcamps

There is a way to centralize all the information obtained about computer threats that stalk a system. Failure to do so would hinder the response model to any cyber attack. Therefore, standardized modes of information collection are well appreciated in cybersecurity. Next, we will talk to you about one of the most important ones. In this post, we will explain what is SIEM.

What is SIEM?

A Security Information and Event Manager (SIEM) it’s a software that allows you to completely view the monitoring of threats that affect the computer security of a system. The SIEM allows all this information to be centralized in order to streamline response protocols in the event of a cyber attack. These software They facilitate the reporting of vulnerabilities and, therefore, are essential to identify a company’s IT failures and the type of threats they represent.

There are different SIEM software brandsfor example:

All of these allow gather in one place and in an illustrative manner all risks that are identified in computer systems, through IDS or IPS programs for scanning malware.

What are IDS and IPS systems?

IDS and IPS systems are software specialized in detect threats that affect the security of a computer system.

Intrusion Detection System (IDS): are programs that find different types of malware and generate notifications, so that security teams can develop computer patches and solutions in this regard.Intrusion Prevention System (IPS): These are programs that, in addition to detecting threats, are capable of eradicating them or reacting to them.

Regardless of whether a security team uses a IDS, IPS, Firewalls or software antivirus, all the information generated by these programs must be brought together to obtain a complete analysis of the system. Security measures cannot be determined correctly without a full analysis of the situation you are facing. For this reason, the concept of what SIEM is was born and why this type of programs began to be applied in a standardized way in cybersecurity.

What is a SOC?

Now that you know what SIEM is and What is this type of used for? softwareyou will surely wonder what is done with all the information that is collected.

It turns out that, among the computer engineers in a company, everyone is organized and distributes different functions among themselves. For example, if one is in charge of standing guard and identifying any latent threat, there are other officials waiting to see if this occurs to carry out the security event management.

The formation of a team that has a clear patch development policy, in the event of an imminent attack, is called Security Operations Center (SOC) or, in Spanish, Security Operations Center. This team is usually organized by levels and, at the same time, they form the most effective method to respond to a zero-day cyber attack.

A zero-day attack in cybersecurity is one of the problems that you want to avoid by knowing what SIEM is and how to organize a Security Operations Center. The main function of centralizing information about vulnerabilities and attacks towards a system is to speed up the response process by the company.

The company’s patch development policy (updates that solve security flaws) helps define these processes. However, it depends on which monitoring and response agencies against attacks are properly configured.

How to continue learning?

Now you know what SIEM is and why it is a useful system in the world of cybersecurity. However, do not let your knowledge stop at this point and take another step to continue your training. If you want to become a computer security expert, we have the best option for you. Sign up for our Cybersecurity Full Stack Bootcamp and specialize in this field in less than 7 months. What are you waiting for? There are thousands of jobs that require your knowledge. Sign up now and achieve your goals!

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