30 julio, 2024

What is Node.js? | Bootcamps

Runtime environments or systems are software that we can consider essential for the correct functioning of an application. For this reason, today we talk to you about what is Node.js and we mention what some of its characteristics are.

What is Node.js

Broadly speaking, to answer the question of what Node.js is, we can say that it is considered an execution environment for JavaScript and the reason for its design is focused on application development. Before this environment was designed, JavaScript developers were limited to developing applications from a web browser, but when Node.js was released it became an option to consider for the development process.

This runtime for JavaScript is built with V8, which means it is based on the Google Chrome JavaScript engine. In case you are starting to move into the world of application development and are interested in learning more, regardless of what Node.js is, We invite you to take a look at our post How does JavaScript work? In this article, you will learn in a deep, concise and technical way how this programming language works and how it is executed.

Node.js Features

When talking about what Node.js is, we cannot miss a section to mention its characteristics. Node.js is a runtime environment that does not have a loop event start call or start-the-event-loopbut this enters the event loop, after the script entry, and exits at the moment when there is no more callbacks or callbacks to be made.

Another feature that is considered crucial is that it behaves in a similar way to the JavaScript programming language in the browser and allows the event loop to be hidden from the user.

One of the outstanding elements of Node.js is ****, which is designed from the transmission of operations with streaming and low latency. This allows Node.js to be considered the appropriate environment to be the basis of a library or a framework Web.

If after learning what Node.js is you want to learn more about this execution environment for JavaScript, we invite you to consult its official website, where you will find API reference documentation, ES6 features and guides on its capabilities and features. possibilities it offers.

What version of node.js to use?

One of the most frequently asked questions by developers starting to use this interpreter is which version of node.js to use. To answer this question, we recommend you go to the official website nodejs.org and check which versions they recommend when you read this article. In addition, there you can find a table that determines the active, maintenance and current versions at different times of the year.

Regardless of the moment in which you read us, we have some general recommendations that will surely be of help to you.

LTS vs Current

Whenever you enter the official page of node.js you will find two main versions. The version on the left, regardless of which one it is, will have an even number and end with LTS. The version on the right is usually an odd number ending with current or current. So which version of node.js to use?

At we recommend that you always use the LTS version. Node.js itself recommends it, since it is what it suggests for most users, because the LTS version or long term service It is the latest official version that is currently being maintained. That is, the team behind node.js is constantly correcting bugs and plugging security holes.

For its part, the odd version on the right usually has a shorter lifespan. In these versions the latest features or modifications are added to node.js. In this sense, these versions are usually more recommended for those who want to try absolutely all the modifications made by the team. However, they tend to receive less attention from the developer community. node.jswell Not all of its functionalities are completely secure or finished. Therefore, you will run a little more risk when using these versions, as you may not find the security or stability required for large projects.

If you want to know more about the different functionalities that each version of node.js supports, we recommend exploring the page node.green. There you will find a huge table with the different functions and percentage of support in each version.

Therefore, if what you are going to do is create a large-scale application or project, We recommend that you always use the version that the website shows you. That is, always the LTS version.

Where to continue?

Now that you know what Node.js is and what some of its features are, Surely you want to continue learning more about the tools that are intended for the development of mobile applications. If you want to become an expert, we invite you to delve deeper into these topics with our Full Stack Mobile App Development Bootcamp.

With this bootcamp, you will not only be able to learn aspects related to cross-platform app development processes in just a few months, but you will also learn the fundamentals for designing on both iOS and Android. In addition, we offer you many application design guidelines and tools that you can use for this, as well as knowledge about some of the programming languages ​​essential for a developer. Don’t be left behind and request more information now!

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