26 julio, 2024

What is neumorphism? | Bootcamps

When you start designing an application or website you must identify the type of design that you will use in your user interface, focused on the user being able to interact without any inconvenience with the design. Today we will talk to you about what neumorphism is and how it will affect your design.

Neumorphism is a interface design style that combines shadows and lights to create a depth effect on interface elements. This is a visual style similar to flat designbut, as we mentioned, play a lot with white and different shades of black until reaching gray to give the design some volume and grace.

In general, We can say that neumorphism combines what is proposed by skeumorphism with flat design or flat design, since it proposes a design that is somewhat realistic, but without leaving characteristics such as softness or simplicity present in the flat design.

Advantages and disadvantages of neumorphism

Like all design trends, neumorphism has its pros and cons and, now that you know what neumorphism is, we will talk to you about them.

This trend of neumorphism, although it generates a visual effect that can be attractive and simple, presents some accessibility problems, especially for users with visual disabilities. This is because, as a result of the low contrast or minimalism you are aiming for, it can be difficult to identify content or interface elements that are intended to be interactive. Mainly, its low contrast is due to the fact that its schemes are usually white and gray.

That does not mean that, due to its possible flaws, we should not take this trend into account in our designs, since if it is used thinking about the users who will use the application or website that we are designing, we will be able to anticipate the difficulties that they will have when interacting with the content.

It is important to highlight that, although white and gray are usually used in neumorphism, There is nothing that forces the designer to limit the use of these.

Examples of neumorphism

On the web you can find different tools that help you with this design trend. For example, Neumorphism.io is a page where you can view and modify a neumorphism grid based on the size, distance, radius, blur, intensity, and shape you want. In addition to this, it offers the possibility of viewing and copying the CSS code and, in this way, you can add it to the user interface you are developing.

It is also possible to find a Neomorph UI Kit which gives you a view of some basic elements you can include in your design, or the Google extension Funkifywhich allows you to see different web pages or interfaces through the eyes of a person who has a visual disability.

These tools are interesting because they help you with the design of the interface and allow you to prioritize the user and the experience they will have when interacting with our product.

After knowing what neumorphism is, if you are interested in learning about design programs where you can apply different trends, We invite you to read our post Top 5 most used programs in graphic design.

Where to continue?

Now that you know what neumorphism is, we advise you to continue your training and discover what claymorphism and neomorphism are, thanks to our Full Stack Mobile App Development Bootcamp. Here you will discover how you can develop and design an application applyingin addition to learning to use various programs intended for this.

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