19 septiembre, 2024

What is Model-View-Presenter (MVP)?

If you have worked in the world of technological and application development, you may have had problems managing or maintaining systems when they increase in size. To solve this problem, so-called architectural design patterns emerge, as is the case of Model-View-Presenter (MVP), an option that allows UI implementationto avoid the complexity of certain artifacts.

So, if you want to know about the Model-View-Presenter to use it in your projects, Stay with this article and learn everything you need to know about it.

What is Model-View-Presenter (MVP)?

The Model-View-Presenter (MVP – model view presenter) is a distribution format for user interface implementation (UI) of an application. As a schema, it reduces the complexity of use in modules. In short, the Model-View-Presenter pursues the structuring of what digital customers see and what they interact with on the web or in an application, among others.

Model-View-Presenter Components

This design consists, as its name indicates, of 3 essential aspects or components. These are:


It is the component of the system of which depends on database access. It can vary, but the most common is a cache or API rest, among others. This element also covers the nature of the DB (SQLite) connection.


Refers to the visualization of the interface design. It is, in a way, what people press on a phone screen or what they do when they click on a computer. This external layer of the digital product is responsible for displaying properties according to requests. This is a simple action to display fragments, exercises, etc.


This item It is the bridge between the view and the model. Thanks to the presenter, the interaction between request and storage of information occurs.

Features of the Model-View-Presenter

The Model-View-Presenter or mvp pattern It is structured, then, from the interrelation between its components.. At first, the request is generated from the user through the exhibition format. Then, the presenter takes the request to the model and there the information to be presented is selected. Finally, the selected content is displayed, thanks to the presenter, in the view.

The Model-View-Presenter plays an important role in digital navigation. It therefore includes user experience (UX)a factor that determines the level of customer satisfaction according to their interaction with the digital product.

What is the next step?

In this article you have been able to learn what the Model-View-Presenter (mvp programming) is as an architectural design pattern for the development of applications, as well as its most relevant components and characteristics. Now, if you want to learn more about this and other useful options for your technological projects, the time has come to enroll in our Full Stack Mobile App Development Bootcampwhere you can continue delving deeper into this sector to succeed in it. Sign up now and don’t stop learning!

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