26 julio, 2024

What is jsonify in Flask? | Bootcamps

In web development with Python, knowing what jsonify is in Flask is one of the most important requirements for working with applications and platforms, as it is one of the ways to work with JSON responses, starting from the flask.jsonify. So, below, we tell you what jsonify is in Flask and how to integrate it into your code programs.

What is jsonify in Flask?

Serializes data to JSON response type, inputs it to respond as a json mime type application. This so that you can later send the record of your data as a json file. According to the official Python Flask documentation, any list or dictionary of a file will be returned in a JSON type response, without the need to relate the code program with this type of responses. This type of response is represented as follows: flask.json.jsonify (*args, **kwargs).

How to use jsonify in Flask

Using the jsonify response type in flask is very simple, since it only consists of entering the jsonify method, which will accompany the response that your program will give.

In this way, below we present an example on how to integrate jsonify into your code programs. In this example we think of defining a code program that develops an application that records income and expenses from an account or a database.

#import response type: import jsonify

from flask import jsonify (jsonify in flask)

Path = app.config.get(«PATH»)


#define the method

def move_list():

db = DBManager(Path)

movements = db.consultWithSQL (‘SELECT * FROM movements ORDER BY date, time’)

#use response type

return jsonify (moves)

The previous code extract comes from the views.py file, which defines a method to obtain the list of movements (income or expenses) of a specific account. In this way and by reproducing this practical example, you will be able to continue developing more scripts for your applications developed with Flask, starting from the flask jsonify method and using the import jsonify.

Keep studying programming

Although you already know what jsonify is in Flask, we believe that you still have a lot to learn about web development and programming with Python. Therefore, if you want to continue entering the IT sector, We recommend that you sign up for the Learn to Program from Scratch Full Stack Jr. Bootcamp. This is a great opportunity to fulfill your dream and become a programmer in less than a year, with concepts like the jsonify flask. Enroll now and turn your work life around!

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