26 julio, 2024

What is IntelliJ IDEA | Bootcamps

Today we talk to you about what is IntelliJ IDEA. We know that the work environment is a tool that is considered fundamental in the world of application development, since that is where we seek to compile the program we are working on. Therefore, an environment that you should know is IntelliJ IDEA.

In this article, we tell you some general aspects about what IntelliJ IDEA is and several of its features, so that you can become a little familiar with this development tool and find the advantages of intellij idea.

What is IntelliJ IDEA?

Broadly speaking, we can define what IntelliJ IDEA is as: an integrated development environmentbetter known by its English name as Integrated Development Environment (SDI).

Now, what is an IDE? To understand what IntelliJ IDEA is, you should know that an IDE is, in a nutshell, a computer application that is focused on providing the developer with different services that will help you speed up or improve your work process.

Continuing with the main topic, what is IntelliJ IDEA, we can add that this IDE has been in the app development market for many years, in fact, it was presented to the public in 2001 and, over the years, some development have taken it as a basis.

Furthermore, one of the great advantages of intellij idea, or this integrated development environment, is that supports different programming languagesamong which are:

Java. Kotlin. Python. Dart.

IntelliJ IDEA plans and pricing

In addition to knowing what IntelliJ IDEA is, another aspect that needs to be highlighted is related to the plans and prices that this IDE offers to its audience, that is, the features of intellij idea. First of all, we can say that intellij is a development environment that has two versions:

Community Edition (free version). Ultimate Edition (paid version).

As expected, each version has its own particular characteristics, although, in the case of the Ultimate version, it is fair to say that, being paid, it offers more possibilities to the developer.

Secondly, we must clarify that the plans that correspond to the paid version also differ from each other, so that some offer services that are focused on individual work while others focus on group work, as well as work carried out by an organization. They also offer plans for students, schools and teachers.

In fact, if you want to know all the information related to what IntelliJ IDEA is, that is, the plans, prices, functionalities and documentation about this integrated development environment, you can consult its official page.

Where to continue?

Now that you know what IntelliJ IDEA is, It is very likely that you will be interested in knowing much more about the different concepts related to the development and design of apps for different operating systems, as well as other features of intellij idea. Therefore, we tell you that at we have the objective of helping you and accompanying you in every step of your training process in Mobile development, which is why we have created our Full Stack Mobile App Development Bootcamp.

This bootcamp is an intensive training in which you will have the opportunity to learn a lot of fundamental information about what the development processes and designs of cross-platform apps are like, as well as what the iOS and Android fundamentals are and various application design guidelines and aspects. such as intellij. You’ll also learn about a wide variety of Apple products, such as the Xcode platform and UIKit, as well as some of the must-have programming languages, such as Swift. All this with a methodology hands on focused on teaching from both theory and practice. Don’t wait any longer and start training in something you really like!

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