26 julio, 2024

What is Instagram feed? | Bootcamps

Do you know what is the feed of Instagram and how can you configure it? There are fundamental questions when you are starting out on social networks and it is important to be clear about them from the beginning. However, if you are here, Maybe you have an Instagram account and would like to know more about it, its tools and how to get the most out of it. So, below, we will tell you what the feed of Instagram and how to have the feed perfect.

What is Instagram feed?

To know what the Instagram feed is, you can think about the cover letter or landing page from your personal or company account. It is the first image that the user has when they click on the user of your account from an advertisement, a comment or a message. He feed Instagram brings together all the information and publications that the profile has made throughout the time the account is open.

He feed It is fully customizable, so you can configure your account so that it has attractive and continuous content. This way, It will be the perfect portal for you to sell your product or servicegain leads or more interested users, among other important elements.

Example of an Instagram feed:

He feed ‘s Instagram (@keepcoding_es) looks like this:


As it is a Tech School, most of the contents are related to technology, programming and mobileamong other topics.

The profile has posts normals that fill the grid of the feed, reels or videos where each of the themes continues to be explored and stories highlighted. The latter are divided into 6 groups, where each one has special content, depending on the title of the featured story.

On the other hand, if you enter the account from the Instagram app, you can see how we have built an aesthetic and creative narrative around all the publications that have been made, such as assigning a color to each technological area. . For this, we handle templates, distinctive colors, special fonts, tone of the content and tags that accompany the posts, among other elements that create the brand.

All these types of elements must be very well thought out if you have a corporate account, sales account or a influencersince these are the ones that will have the most user flow and will be essential to meet your objective.

How to have the perfect feed for your profile

Now that you know what the feed of Instagram and why it is so important to configure it to be able to fulfill your marketing campaigns, we bring you some tips that will allow you to build the feed perfect for your profile. This will help you meet the goals you have set for yourself.

You must be clear about the brand, objectives and processes of both your company and your marketing campaigns. This will allow you to brainstorm much more specifically and you will be able to find the necessary elements to make up your feed.The brand and everything that accompanies it must be perfectly defined to integrate all the necessary elements into each of the elements of your Instagram account. All graphic and audiovisual pieces will be defined by the characteristics, color palette and typography of the brand. You will have to select the ideal people to run the Instagram account, if you do not have the time and availability to do it yourself. You must have an innovative designer and a Community Manager (CM) who are constant, innovative and aware of what is trending. You will have to define the way in which you will establish your feedthat is, what design or pattern your publications will have. It can be in the form of chess, double alternation, puzzle, publications with frames, a game between dark and light colors, cross fade or blurred lines…Once all of the above is ready, you can start publishing and analyzing the results of your feed with different metrics. This will allow you to find possible breaking points and aspects to improve or continue doing.

Keep learning with

You already know what he is feed of Instagram and how to have the feed perfect. Now you can start configuring yours to carry out marketing campaigns from the cover letter of your Instagram account.

If you would like to learn more about how Instagram works and how to use its tools to build favorable digital strategies for your business, We recommend that you review the syllabus of our Digital Marketing and Data Analysis Bootcamp. If you sign up, in less than 7 months you will have gone through all the important concepts of digital marketing and you will be ready to enter this sector. Dare to give your career a twist!

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