27 julio, 2024

What is hystrix in the IT sector? | Bootcamps

If you have ever had to work with remote communications systems in the technology sector, you may have noticed that errors can occur in their operation, such as, for example, a drop in services or slow responses due to an increase in requests. To solve these problems, tools have been developed such as hystrix, a library in charge of contributing to the improvement of resilience and avoiding failures in cascade.

The hystrix option, therefore, allows remote connection problems to be kept under control. If you are interested in learning about how it works and how to take advantage of its advantages, You should know, with the guide of this article, all the details about it.

What is hystrix?

Hystrix is ​​defined as a library developed by the Netflix platform. It is used for the function of latency and fault tolerance tool through access point isolation to external remote services and resources, stopping errors, among others.

This means that the hystrix library is characterized by its management property of interaction processes between different services by offering tools to tolerate latency and failures.

Hystrix Features

Among the main characteristics and properties of this library is its ability to offer protection and management against latency and dependency failurewhich are accessed through third-party libraries over the network.

In the same way, this system includes the property of improving the general resilience of the platform to the Perform isolation of failing resourceswith the aim of preventing these errors from causing more serious ones.

As a property of the hystrix system, it also highlights its rapid failure and recovery mechanism, which prevents so-called cascading failures.

Another feature of this library is that is responsible for optimizing the times allocated to system recovery, through the use of low-latency propagation of configuration-related modifications and dynamic change support. This, in turn, contributes to carrying out operational changes in real time, with some control loops. feedback with low latency.

Likewise, with the use of this resource It is possible to enable monitoring, alerting and operational management functions almost in real timeso it is very useful to respond to failures of systems that operate under this mechanism such as websites, applications and others.

How does hystrix work?

If you have questioned how hystrix works, you should know that this system employs isolation techniques, such as the Circuit Breaker patternto manage problems caused by remote communication and limit the impact of dependencies.

Thus, these types of systems They prevent repeated execution of an operation that is very likely to fail.

In addition to this, hystrix contributes to guaranteeing the resilience of the systems, as it is responsible for closing communication with a service when it is detected that it fails.

In the same way, this tool takes into account a series of principles to operate, among which the prevent only one dependency from using all threads of the container or reducing the load to fail quickly instead of waiting in line.

Likewise, it works under the principle of offers support in situations where it is beneficial, in order to guarantee protection against user failures.

What is the next step?

In this article you have been able to learn what the Hystrix library is, as well as what its most relevant features, functions and utilities are. Now, if you want to continue delving deeper into this and other relevant options in your technological resilience activities, The time has come to take the next step in your learning and enroll in our DevOps & Cloud Computing Full Stack Bootcamp.

In this intensive and comprehensive high-quality training, in just a few months you will be able to become a true expert. Enroll now to obtain all the knowledge and practice essential to stand out from your competitors and optimize your processes. Sign up and continue learning!

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