16 septiembre, 2024

What is GCP (Google Cloud Platform)?

The tool of GCP (Google Cloud Platform) is part of the great universe of Big Data. In fact, a series of services are offered around this cloud computing platform that facilitate the development of big data processing. In this way, they use it wide variety of tools and programs in order to enhance the value of data.

At we highlight its importance within the world of Big Data and processing alternatives. In this post, we expose you What is GCP (Google Cloud Platform) and what are its main characteristics.

What is GCP (Google Cloud Platform)?

It is known as GCP (Google Cloud Platform) to the wide variety of services that Google offers in the cloud in a single site and which consist of facilitating data storage and processing of big data.

Its wide variety of resources is diversified between different tools and processes, such as DataProc, Machine Learning, Big Query, App Engine, etc. Each of these is found in different areas, such as the Big Data, Storage, Compute and Machine Learning.

On the other hand, this variety of Google cloud services is divided into three components depending on the site where the services are offered. For example, you can find GCP (Saas), GCP (PaaS) and GCP (SaaS).

Saas (Software as a service): This first GCP (Google Cloud Platform) service consists of the development of software of cloud applications facilitating access to online information through the web and with extremely important resources such as Automatic updates and saving space on the premises. Furthermore, this service enables the unification of data and its knowledge on the part of all members or the different areas of an organizationas well as accessing any necessary backup copies.PaaS (Platform as a Service): This Google Cloud service offers the possibility of relate and manage different applications and programs on the same platform cloud computing, so that data analysis can be unified or compared.IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service): It is part of the online services offered by Google and is based on High-level APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) to power applications that carry out the manipulation of big data.

What are the main features of GCP (Google Cloud Platform)?

Once you identify what it is GCP (Google Cloud Platform) It is appropriate to specify what its main characteristics are, since thanks to these you will be able to identify its most favorable advantages to carry out a agile and effective data processing. GCP or Google Cloud Platform allows hardware assets, as well as software, to reside in data centers.

Next, we expose you What are these main features of the Google GCP service:

Affordability: This Google Cloud platform allows many users and companies to use most of its tools and systems for free. Even paid services, compared to other alternatives, are also affordable for all types of organizations.Constant updating of services: One of the great features of GCP is the novelty of its tools and programssince they are updated and developed according to the new needs of the study of big data.Software open source: Thanks to this important feature, its implementation occurs, above all, for processing a large volume of data. This open sourcebesides, guarantees a software scalable and flexible.Security and privacy: Like other Big Data tools, these must guarantee the security of big data to provide the reliability of information management and its results.

How to continue learning about Big Data?

During the development of this post, you have been able to find everything related to What is GCP (Google Cloud Platform) and how it works within the Big Data world. Despite this, this Google service offers a wide variety of tools that need to be studied in depth to think about how big data processing processes are streamlined. Continuing to learn about Big Data is essential if you are looking to become a high-level expert.

From KeepCodging, we bring you the Full Stack Big Data, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Bootcamp, thanks to which you can learn much more about this Google service and, in general, about the most important systems and tools in the universe of Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. With the help of professionals and in less than nine months, you can become an expert and know and identify the most appropriate data management alternatives for big data studies. What are you waiting for to start? Sign up now!

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