18 septiembre, 2024

What is data flow programming? | Bootcamps

In this article we tell you some general aspects about what programming is. data flowone of the many declarative programming paradigms that exist and are related to data processing.

When starting to work with programming languages, it is possible to realize that they are defined by the type or types of paradigms in which they are classified, because this tells us, in a certain way, the form or structure that allows us to implement when developing a software. Therefore, today we explain a little about one of the paradigms that you may encounter.

What is a programming paradigm?

Before tackling programming data flowLet’s remember what a paradigm is. In general, we can consider paradigms as programming patterns that are focused on the structuring and resolution of common problems when building a project. software.

In fact, we recommend that you take a look at our post on programming paradigms, where you can find information about what they are and how they are classified, as well as some examples and their relationship with the architecture of software.

What is data flow programming?

Broadly speaking, we can say that programming data flow, in Spanish called data flow programming (although, currently, it is better known as reactive programming), it is nothing more than create a network of pipes through which all the data passeswhich are processed and interact with other information, with the purpose of analyze and build the different solutions that requires the information.

In more technical words, programming data flow It is considered a way of working with a softwarein which Databases are generated that, through different methods or actions, will be updated automatically.. Their purpose is to ensure that everything works without interruptions or without stopping execution due to an error. That is, it is a declarative programming paradigm that works asynchronously.

This is a type of programming that implements continuous integration, since it seeks to carry out integrations constantly to avoid possible failures.

Now, we must emphasize that the programming data flow has become very fashionable in development mobile to make interfaces; In fact, there are various programming languages, such as Kotlin, that have been implementing different aspects, such as coroutines that, in a certain way, replace the advantages that programming represents. data flow.

In summary, we can say that programming data flow It refers to different processes that are connected to each other, which occur at completely different times in an uninterrupted manner.

Where can data flow programming be implemented?

A characteristic of this type of programming is that it is normally used for Big Data processing or for a program that requires much more speed and variety in the code. That is, programs that require a high flow of simultaneous information, in which many requests can be attended to at the same time and taking advantage of the low CPU and memory consumption that this structure demands.

Now, a clearer example of where this form of programming is implemented is one of Google’s products, which in fact has the name of Cloud Dataflow, which proposes to perform data processing of streaming that has the advantages of being fast and profitable.

Where to continue?

Now that you know some general aspects related to programming data flow, You are probably curious to delve much deeper into this paradigm and other terms that are related to the development of mobile apps.

Therefore, we want to tell you that at we are aware that the topics that revolve around application development can be difficult to understand and to accompany you in your training process in mobile development, we have built our Full Stack Mobile App Development Bootcamp.

With this bootcamp, you will be able to familiarize yourself with fundamental information, together with professionals with extensive experience in this field, about what the cross-platform app development processes are like, as well as what the iOS and Android fundamentals are, various application design guidelines and much more . Start your development training mobile right now!

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