To develop mobile applications it is necessary to know and work with programming languages, therefore, In this post, we will talk to you about what Dart is, a language designed by Google.
What is Dart?
Web development involves facing some challenges and it is vitally important to do everything correctly to generate a great user experience, For this reason, Google has been in charge of designing a programming language based on the idea that the structure of the various programs should be easier to understand.
To learn what Dart is, we will tell you that It is a free and open source programming language with BSD style license, which was announced in 2011. Its main purpose is to allow developers to build high-performance applications.
There are two ways to download the Dart source code. The first option is to enter the official website of this language, where you can access a complete guide for its installation. On the other hand, you can go to GitHub and download the file.
Dart Features
Now that you know what Dart is, let’s talk about its features.
The Google team that developed this language wanted it to be easy to learn and use for programmers who handle JavaScript.. Therefore, they conceived the idea that, for a programmer who has already worked and knows programming languages such as C#, Java 7, Essential ActionScript 3.0, the syntax of this language will be very familiar.
When Dart was designed, its purpose was to making building large web apps an easier process. Google wanted it to be very flexible so they could build something quickly. For this reason, Dart is considered a very scalable programming language in terms of code size.
Dart is not only considered a language, since it contains several elements such as libraries, a sophisticated editor called Dart Editor, and even a virtual machine that can run Dart code. In addition, it is possible to integrate it with the web browser.
Another of its elements is a package manager or third-party libraries. Dart is a programming language that has good integration with Web Components, allowing you to write different applications.
A very important feature of Dart is that it runs with two parts in mind. On the one hand, it keeps the server in mind and, on the other, the client, since both are necessary. It even offers the possibility of sharing code between the client and the server.
Dart not only works in the case of Google Chrome, but it can also run in other modern browsers, such as Firefox or Safari. The best quality of this language is that it is applicable on both iOS and Android.
Dart is used to create or build high-performance applications. It can also be applied to develop apps that work offline and have animations that run at 60fps (frames per second).
Where to continue?
Now that you know what Dart is, Would you like to learn more about app design and development? We invite you to explore our Full Stack Mobile App Development Bootcamp to continue your training. In this bootcamp, you will learn different design guidelines and master the most used programming languages and design programs to become an application development expert in a few months. Don’t think twice and request information now.