15 septiembre, 2024

What is DaemonSet in Kubernetes? | Bootcamps

Kubernetes is a workload and service management platform. It is one of the most popular tools within the IT sector community due to its multiple functionalities. So, if you want to make better use of this platform, you need to know what your important options are and how to use them; Thus, for example, Kubernetes has the DaemonSet resource, which is used to deploy the services that you want to be on all nodes in the cluster. This option is of great importance for Kubernetes and its tasks, therefore, In this post, we will teach you what DaemonSet is, what its characteristics are and how to use it.

What is DaemonSet?

DaemonSet is an option of the Kubernetes platform that has the task of ensure that all or some of the nodes have the ability to run a copy of a resource pod.

It should be noted that, as more nodes are added to the system cluster, new ones are added to them. pods. In the same way, When a DaemonSet is deleted, it is responsible for cleaning all the pods that have been created.

A DaemonSet can be used as long as nodes are covered for each of the types of processes. Regarding more complex configurations, the client has the possibility of use more than one DaemonSet for a single process typebut that at the same time includes various parameters or different requests for memory and CPU according to the type of hardware with which you count.

Additionally, a DaemonSet It can be used to support the processes of the services that you want to be present on all nodes of the cluster, such as monitoring agents, logs and else.

Although the declaration of a DaemonSet can be similar to that of Deployment, The first option is characterized by maintaining a single replica per Kubernetes node.

DaemonSet Features

Within the characteristics of the Kubernetes DaemonSet option, it is found that, Generally, it is associated with the cluster nodes. Besides, They are very useful for functionality at the level of hostsuch as, for example, in monitoring or management tasks logsamong others.

In the same way, it allows ensuring that all nodes in the user’s cluster (or some, according to the client’s needs) have a copy of a running pod. It should be noted that the life cycle of these pods It is linked to the life cycle of the nodes.

A Kubernetes DaemonSet is also characterized by be of great help when the user is sysadmin and you need to work with something related to the Kubernetes nodes themselves.

Another of its characteristics is that It is described through a file in YAML format.

What is the next step?

In this article you have been able to learn what a DaemonSet is in Kubernetes, what its characteristics are and what to use it for. Now, if you want to expand your knowledge about this and other options offered by Kubernetes, as well as other technological platforms, Do not hesitate to advance your training thanks to our DevOps & Cloud Computing Full Stack Bootcamp. With this bootcamp, you will learn from the best professionals to, in less than 6 months, become an expert in the IT sector and improve and streamline your development processes. Dare to deepen your technological knowledge and sign up for our bootcamp!

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