16 septiembre, 2024

What is CSS and how does it work? | Bootcamps

Any web development is based on two languages: HTML and CSS. On the one hand, HTML serves to structure all the content of a web page, while CSS is a complement that helps to style it to improve the user experience. In this post, you will learn in depth what CSS is in HTML and how it works.

What is CSS and how does it work?

CSS stands for Cascade Style Sheets. Style sheets are a resource that has existed since the predecessor of HTML was used: SGLM, a language for creating electronic documents that was born in the early 70s.

With the rise of the Internet, HTML and the diversification of browsers, it was necessary to standardize the commands and the current CSS language emerged from the efforts of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Therefore, we can define what CSS is as a complementary mechanism of the HTML language, which allows the browser to be told the style it should give to the different elements when displaying the information on a website.

The operation of CSS is very simple. Web browsers, by applying CSS rules to a document, modify the way it is presented to us. These rules are made up of two key elements:

First is a set of properties with values ​​set to update the presentation of HTML content.
The second element are the selectors. These help us select the elements affected by the new value of the property. In this way, we prevent the CSS from affecting all the HTML elements and only those that we want.

For example, to the elements contained in the first paragraph of our document or alternately select the rows of a table.

What are CSS styles used for?

To better understand what CSS is, we must delve deeper into the use of styles. CSS styles are something you can add individually to each element of your HTML template., but this is often impractical. When you link an HTML page to a CSS style sheet, it has a series of commands that modify all elements that match certain criteria.

In other words, it is easier and faster to link your HTML document to a CSS file so that the browser understands that it should display all the “H2 Titles” in blue, instead of integrating a separate style command for each H2 that you include in your pages.

In addition, Another advantage of CSS is that it allows you to use the same template to format several websites.and if you need to make changes, you can do so by simply modifying the element in the template and updating the linked sites.

Cascading style sheets are not limited to formatting text. If we combine its use with JavaScript, its applications on a website increase considerably. For example, it is used to tell the browser to change the color of a hyperlink so that the user knows that they have already visited it, to design menus and drop-down lists, or to create interactive elements.

With a brief tour we have explained what CSS is, how it works and the uses of its different styles. Now, it’s time to get started in the world of CSS.

What else?

Now that you know what CSS is and everything it can offer you in web developmentget started with our Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp with which you will master the languages ​​and tools to develop backend and front end. Request information and discover how to become a professional in a few months!

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