Today we talk to you about What is Bamboo Data Center. On the web, it is possible to find many tools that work with methods such as continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) and that are focused on facilitating the development process and distribution of apps to developers, and Bamboo Data Center is one of them.
What is Bamboo Data Center?
To answer the question about what is Bamboo Data Center, we can say that it is a platform specialized in continuous delivery, which offers the application developer features such as resilience, reliability and scalability.
This allows the workflow automation, the recovery from continuous integration issues and alsoincrease capacity and performance depending on the growth of the project or company you work for. An advantage of this platform is that it can be integrated with others, such as Bitbucket and Jira Software.
To better understand what Bamboo Data Center is, you can read our articles on what is continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) or consult the section Mobile App Development from our blog, where you can find information about these practices and many interesting topics.
Bamboo Data Center Plans
After knowing what Bamboo Data Center is, it is interesting to mention the plans it offers.
This is one paid character tool somewhat expensive. It has a total of 9 plans and the price of these is based on the number of remote agents you need.
The simplest plan allows you to have access to a single remote agent and has a value of 1,200 dollars, while the plan that allows you the most access has a cost of 187,380 dollars and gives you the possibility of accessing 2,000 remote agents.
It is important to mention that Bamboo Data Center It has the possibility of three discounts, although not all users can apply for them.:
The first is 50% in all plans and is intended for academic institutions that meet your requirements. The second is so that the Non-profit organizations can access a free subscription. The third is aimed at Server clients who want to change to Data Centerwho can get a discount on 12-24 month subscriptions.
In the website of this platform You can find the specifications that correspond to what you can do with each of the plans and review which of these suits your needs.
Another possibility you have with this platform is use it free for a period of 30 days. This free trial allows you to download the latest version of Bamboo Data Center and will help you understand if it is an essential tool for your development process.
Where to continue?
Now that you know what Bamboo Data Center is, Would you like to learn more about the tools that are related to the field of mobile app development? If your answer is yes, we invite you to explore our Full Stack Mobile App Development Bootcamp, with which, in less than a year, you will learn everything you need to become an expert application developer. Sign up now!