26 julio, 2024

What are the Dimensions of the Human Being?

What are the dimensions of the human being?

The dimensions of the human being They include all those areas that contain the potentialities of men and women. The development of these potentialities translates into the personal, integral and complete growth of the human being.

The nature of the human being includes the biological, psychological and social spheres, therefore, it is considered that the human being is a biopsychosocial being. The ideal is that the human being can fully develop in all its dimensions, which will allow an integral individual growth and, even, will promote the global development of the species, since progress will be promoted.

The development of beings is framed in these three aspects (biological, psychological and social), with different elements that are part of the essence of the human being and that allow them to develop and progress in all these areas.

Within the biopsychosocial nature of the human being, other dimensions can be found that corroborate the predisposition that men and women have to face different situations.

Some of these are the physical, social, spiritual, cognitive, communicative, aesthetic, emotional and ethical dimensions.

Dimensions of the human being and its characteristics

physical dimension

The physical dimension has to do with the corporeal nature of the human being. It is perhaps the most structural dimension of man, because the body is the basic tool for the functioning of the human being in any field.

This dimension is manifested through the attention paid to caring for the body, both inside and out, seeking to avoid actions that could harm it.

Developing the corporeal dimension of the human being implies favoring a good diet and having sufficient physical activity to keep the body in shape, always taking into account that the body is the basic structure through which the other dimensions come to manifest themselves.

Dimension sofficial

When talking about the social dimension, the human being is taken into account as part of a group, and the relationships that exist between the members of said group are considered.

Despite the fact that the human being is, by definition, an individual being, he is also essentially a social being, because he has a predisposition to interact with other human beings, generate affective ties, and even organize himself in societies.


The spiritual dimension of the human being is related to his intention to understand the meaning of his existence.

Through this dimension, the human being seeks to transcend the physical aspects of himself and focuses on those phenomena that go beyond what he can explain.

Some people link this dimension with their idea of ​​God or some supernatural entity; other people relate it to the fact of maintaining positive thoughts that generate well-being; and others relate it to the cultivation of the so-called «inner self», that very deep personal reference that each person keeps within themselves.


The human being has a cognitive dimension; that is, he has a predisposition to seek and achieve knowledge in different areas. Part of the human being’s innate constant search for progress is reflected in his interest in cultivating his intellect.

The cognitive dimension reveals the ability of human beings to create new precepts, transform their own reality and build new scenarios.

The knowledge achieved translates into objectives achieved and progress, ultimately, for the human species as a whole.


The communicative dimension is linked to the ability of the human being to create systems of signs and symbols through which it is possible to interact with their peers.

Through its communicative dimension, it is capable of expressing its ideas, thoughts, concerns and interests, and it is also capable of deepening its relationships with other human beings.

As a result of this interaction between human beings, in many cases transformations of reality arise.

This is because it becomes possible to share points of view with different people, start conversations and generate spaces through which intellectual enrichment is created and, perhaps, a paradigm shift.


The human being is predisposed to appreciate the beauty of what surrounds him, and also to react to it. The perception of something considered beautiful can generate emotions and feelings that recognize the value of something harmoniously beautiful.

The aesthetic dimension of the human being is reflected, for example, in the creation of works of art, or other artistic and cultural manifestations that seek to reflect the beauty of shapes, colors, textures, and other elements.


The emotional dimension of the human being responds to his ability to carry out actions derived from the generation of a psychological state, which sentimentally links him to a particular situation.

Emotions are generated in response to some internal or external stimulus, and a development of the emotional dimension of the human being implies self-knowledge, and what has been called «emotional intelligence».

Emotional intelligence has to do with recognizing the emotions that are generated in a person at a given moment, and controlling these untimely reactions that may arise, in order to be able to react in the best way most of the time.

The development of the emotional dimension has to do with recognizing one’s own emotions and those of the people around them and, based on them, trying to act in the most convenient way possible.

dimension éethics

Ethics responds to the individual’s ability to recognize the correct actions and to seek the generation of the greatest possible good.

The ethical dimension of the human being responds to this need to establish codes of behavior that indicate when it is preferable to act and when not, and how to carry out this action.

The ethical dimension has to do with the recognition of the other, with the regulation of one’s own conduct in relation to society, and with the constant search for the tools that allow to promote respectful behavior among human beings.

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