He testing Code refers to the options for checking the correct operation of a system. This method of analysis is also characterized by include tools such as integration testing, which are responsible for verifying that the components of the program or application are united and interact efficiently.
If you are interested in learning how to use these strategies that are a comprehensive test on your systems, it is essential that you stay in this article to learn everything you need about integration testing, including what are its main features, utilities and functions.
What is software testing?
Before delving into the concept of integration testing, you should know that this tool is based on the practice of testing of softwarethat is, checking the quality and operation of a specific program or application.
In addition to this, the testing of software offers guarantee to identify system failures earlyallowing these to be resolved before they have an impact on the operation of the software for your end users.
What are integration tests?
Known: What do “integration tests” allow you?
Integration tests or integrated tests are defined as a testing mechanism for softwarewhere a analysis of the processes related to the assembly or union of componentstheir behaviors with multiple parts of the system (be it operational files) or hardwareamong other.
So integration tests are in charge of examining the interfaces between subsystems or the groups of components of the program or application being analyzed, which helps ensure its correct functioning.
Integration Testing Features
Among the main characteristics of integration tests can be included their property of check proper interaction of system componentsfor which it uses its internal or external interfaces.
These tests also verify that the system and its components run well, They fulfill each of the assigned tasks and adapt to the requirements established.
Another characteristic of this type of tests is that allow the use of real, prepared and dedicated systems specifically for this test, which will make the test application process easier.
Integration tests are also characterized by apply after unit testswhen these are not enough and it is necessary to prove the software in a more global way.
What is the next step?
In this article you have been able to learn what integration tests are, as well as what their most relevant characteristics, functions and properties consist of. Now, if you have already come this far, it is because you are interested in continuing to learn about this and other useful options for your technological projects. To gain more knowledge, take one more step in your learning process and enroll now in our DevOps & Cloud Computing Full Stack Bootcampwhere you will receive intensive and comprehensive training with which you can become a true expert in just a few months. Dare to sign up!