Grafana is a system software free focused on the visualization of time series data, as well as the execution of data analysis, application monitoring and the extraction of metrics. This platform also stands out for using resources such as those called Grafana logs, which are the files that are responsible for listing the events occurred in the system.
So, if you want to learn how to use this platform, you need to understand what logs are, what their most important features and functions are. For that reason, In this article, we tell you everything you need to know about it.
What is Grafana?
Before delving into the concept of logs, it is essential that you know more about Grafana, which is defined as an open source tool that contributes to the analysis and monitoring of data over a certain period of timewhich is known as time series analysis.
Grafana, furthermore, is characterized by enable dynamic and interactive visualization of data and information related to the metrics obtained.
This software multi platform allows its extension through the use of plugins or accessories which can be used by the user to build their own information display panel.
What are Grafana logs?
Grafana logs can be defined as file types with the ability to list occurrences and events occurred in the system, related, for example, to actions of the operating system or the software to be executed.
Usually, Grafana logs They are recorded as a list of messages in a file, which typically include a certain timestamp indicating when the event occurred on the system.
Logs also stand out as a fundamental resource, because they can be reviewed to identify unexpected behavior, failures, unauthorized access, and so on.
Best practices for Grafana logs
When using the so-called logs or records, whether in Grafana or similar systems, it is recommended to take into account a series of recommended practices or best practices that will allow you to take full advantage of the advantages of this option.
So, for example, one of the best practices for Grafana logs is related to maintain a balance between not generating them and generating them excessivelyThat is, the creation of logs is suggested to the extent that they are necessary for the system, without excess or missing logs at any time.
Another of the best practices for these Grafana logs is the include logs only for important actions that require of his presence. Therefore, for less relevant activities, it is suggested to use the level of DEBUGSshowing only when requested.
In addition to this, it is recommended generate Grafana logs in JSON formatbecause this facilitates the storage and consultation processes in the system.
To work with these Grafana elements, It is not suggested to display information or data that is highly sensitive. in the logs, such as bank accounts, IDs, passwords or keys, among others.
It is also recommended that the error messages start with lowercase letters to be able to compose or adjust them if necessary.
What is the next step?
In this article you have been able to learn what Grafana logs are, as well as what their most important characteristics are and the best practices recommended for use. Now, if you have already managed to get this far, it is because you are interested in learning more about this and other useful options for your activities in technological projects.
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