20 septiembre, 2024

What are branches in git and what are they for?

Do you know branches in git? Do you know what a branch is in git? In order to have better control of the work code Git offers its developers branches or branches, within programming it is normal for any version control system to have branches or some tool with similar characteristics. But Git implements them differently, improving work efficiency in each project. In this post We will explain specifically what branches are in Git and what they are for in the world of web development.

What are branches in Git?

Questions such as what the branches are are important for the development of work. Branches in git are a division of code state, this allows create new paths in favor of the evolution of the code. Typically creating branches in other version control systems can take a long time and take up too much storage space. On the contrary, Branches in Git are a daily part of development, they are an instant guide to changes made.

For example, imagine that you want to add a new function or perhaps fix a bug, regardless of its size, you generate a new branch in which these changes you made are housed, when performing this action it will be more complicated than some error or failure of the Unstable code is incorporated into the main codebase, giving you the opportunity to clean up your history before merging everything to the main branch, improving your work efficiency.

To use branches in Git you need the command git branch and the implementation they carry out in Git is much simpler than that of other version control system models. Instead of copying between directories, Git stores branches as a reference to a commit. Therefore, a branch represents the end of a series of commits, that is, it is not a container of commits. The history of a branch is extrapolated from commit relationships.

How branches work in Git

Now that we have answered what branches are, we will talk about how they work. Branches in Git are an independent line of development. These serve as an abstraction in the editing, preparation and confirmation processes. You can understand them as a way to request a new work directory, a new work environment or a new history in the project. All those new commits are recorded in the history of the main branch, creating a fork in the project history.

The command git branch allows you to create, list and delete branches, as well as edit their name. However, it does not allow you to switch between branches or rejoin a forked history. It is for this reason that git branch is tightly integrated with commands git checkout and git merge.

Creating branches in Git

To further explore what branches are, it is vital to understand that branches only function as pointers to commits and how branches can be viewed in git. When creating a branch, all Git does is create a new pointer which does not modify the repository in any way.

For example, you have a repository with only the main branch, next you create a branch using the command git branch. As such, The history of the repository would not be modified, since it must be taken into account that this command only creates the branch. To add confirmations it is necessary to select the command git checkout and then use the standard commands git add and git committo view branches in git.

Where to continue?

Now that you know a little more about what Git is, branches in Git and how to view branches in git, Do you want to continue acquiring knowledge in the area? With our Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp you will be able to master this and other tools and technologies such as JavaScript, React, Microservices and even server deployment in less than 7 months. Sign up now!

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