16 septiembre, 2024

What are Boolean operators? | Bootcamps

When we talk about the basic elements of a program, we ask ourselves how to define a condition that works for us to solve a problem. In this post we want to explain to you what they are Boolean operators: one of the most important data in programming and that will help you solve that problem. In addition, we will tell you how to use them and how they are created in the Python programming language.

A primitive data

Boolean data or logical data is a primitive data typealong with integer and decimal or float data, which are the result of a logical operation. They represent binary logic values, that is, logic data that results in only two states: a true whole or a false whole; a yes or a no. This is important because in computing there is no room for nuances, because everything is true or everything is false.

How do you use a boolean operator?

To understand what boolean operators or boolean data are and how they can be used with a programming language, It is necessary that you differentiate the types of logical operators that exist: not, or and and.

In the first situation or boolean data type, when applied not to the value trueIt results in false. While when applies not to the value falseIt results in true. You can demonstrate this boolean data process in the following table:

WORTHNOT VALUETrueFalseFalseTrueBoolean NOT operator

In the case of combinations of oranother boolean data type,when it is mentioned true or truethe result is true. When it is mentioned false or trueresults true. Now for the booleans when you say true or falsethe result is true; while when it is said false or falsethe result is false.

OR TRUEFALSETRUETrueTrueFALSETrue False Boolean OR operator

In the case of combinations of and, when it is mentioned true and truethe result is true. When it is mentioned true and falseresults false. Now for the boolean data when you say false and truethe result is false; while when it is said false and falsethe result is false.

ANDTRUEFALSETRUETrueFalseFALSEFalse False OR Boolean operator

When is a boolean created in Python?

Now that you understand what Boolean operators are, you can start using them in Python. These are stored as a subclass of an integer data and appear with the name bool. Boolean data or Boolean data type are created in Python for three situations that we will explain below:

In response to a logical operation, whenever a comparison operator or booleans are used. For example: 1 == 1.0 is true of the boolean data. Through direct assignment to a value. For example: a = True of the boolean data. Through type conversion. This happens when we decide to observe a value of any Python data by converting it to a boolean. For example: bool(None) = False.

As all Python objects can be used in logical operations, there are a number of exceptions when they are true either False of the booleans. All objects are true, except if when applying the function len(object) returns 0 or if the programmer has determined it as Flase with the magic method, i.e. _bool_()1 . While False They are: none, false, any value 0, and empty sequences or collections.

What is the next step?

Now that you know what Boolean operators or Boolean data are, their characteristics and how they work, now you can start implementing the conditions in writing your codes.

If you want to obtain more knowledge about the implementation of logical data in your projects, do not hesitate to sign up for our Introduction to Programming from Scratch Coursewhere you will find these and many more characteristics of the programming task.

In this course you will find what Boolean operators are, a wide variety of resources, theoretical sheets and exercises that will allow you to develop your skills in the Python and JavaScript languages. We will wait for you!

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