A document It is the materialized record of a specific activity carried out by a person or organization. This documentation can be presented in physical or virtual media and in text, photos, videos, among others.
When making a document in any of the media in which it can be presented, language that is easy to assimilate and that clearly expresses what you want to communicate should be used, thus making it easier for whoever uses it to understand what you want to expose. .
It is important to say that a document also seeks to store the information it contains so that it can be consulted in the future. In other words, when documenting specific data, it is not only intended that specific content be recorded, but also that it can be consulted at any moment in time.
Additionally, it can be said that the message that it leaves registered can depend on its classification. This is if it is public or private, since either of these two types has a different management.
Document Classification
Within the elaboration of documents, two main uses are presented; according to its format and according to its use.
According to your format
This classification refers to the medium in which the document will be presented, that is, the way in which the content will be exposed. For this, there are different formats, such as:
Text documents:
The documentation in the form of text, is the one that is fully exposed in written language, either with letters, numbers, characters or symbols.
This is one of the most traditional ways of registering a particular content, since it allows you to explain its content in great detail and depth.
In this type of documents, you can find books, magazines, technical reports, academic or scientific research, emails, publications on social networks or letters.
Image or photographic documents:
They are those documents that record your information in images, photos, maps, drawings, etc.
The way they communicate their content is much more visual than other types, thus making it easier to understand and understand.
As an example of this type of document, you can see photos of a particular place, person or animal, drawings or sketches of certain elements or graphs of economic or political data.
Sound documents:
In this type of documents, content is documented in auditory forms, particularly means based on oral language or sound expressions.
In these, musical pieces, songs, sounds of nature, voice expressions, animal sounds, radio recordings or podcasts are evident.
These elements require technology that allows recording sounds, thus helping their storage and distribution. Thanks to technological advances, digital media facilitate their access to whoever needs to consult them.
Audiovisual documents:
They are all those documents based on both visual elements (such as photos or images), as well as sound elements (such as audio tracks or auditory pieces).
Within the audiovisual formats, you can see materials such as videos, films, documentaries, animations, news, series on platforms, among others.
Like sound documents, audiovisual records need technology that makes it possible to record both their visual and sound components.
It is important to clarify that some of the above formats can be physical or digital and that, depending on their form, their storage, distribution and organization is facilitated.
In accordance with the above, physical text or photographic documents may require a large space to be deposited, since paper, folders or files may require a lot of capacity.
Additionally, sound or audiovisual documents can be stored more easily since they are mostly digital elements. For this reason, they have gained great popularity in recent years as a means of recording content.
It could be said that, in recent years, most documents of any kind are being managed in digital media, since they have greater advantages over physical ones.
According to your use
The other classification of documents is given according to the use that they are going to have, thus being public or private.
Documents for private use are those where their use and access to certain people or organizations is restricted. This is done in order to protect the information that they expose, thus preventing it from being consulted by those who do not have authorization to do so.
To protect private digital documents, elements such as passwords, encrypted codes or virtual security keys can be used.
In the same way, in the case of physical private documents, these can be protected in places with guarded storage, safes or security keys.
Within this classification, there are elements such as medical records, business contracts, bank details, personal or business emails, scientific research, military documents, etc.
They are all those documents that can be seen and reviewed by anyone, since they do not have restricted access of any kind. Due to this, this kind of content can be found in different media open to the public, whether physical or digital.
Unlike private documents, public documents can be stored or housed in easily accessible places where anyone can enter to consult them.
These documents can be found on web pages if they are digital, or in libraries, bookstores or public offices if they are physical.
As an example within this type of documents, you can see identification documents (ID card, passport, transit license, work card), articles published in magazines or reports, property titles, public services, vehicle registrations, marriage certificates , among others.
It should also be noted that these documents, whether of public or private classification, can be made up of any of the types seen above. They can be photographic, audiovisual, sound or text.
On the other hand, it must be very clear what type of document to use according to its classification, since there are ways that can protect your information more effectively if it is private or facilitate its access to anyone if it is public.
Concept and types of documents. (2010). Retrieved from mailxmail.com
ORGANIZATIONAL DOCUMENTS. (2016). Retrieved from ****://documentosadministractivos.blogspot.com/
Types and classes of documents. (2019). Retrieved from sdspanama.com
Types and classes of documents. (2019). Retrieved from sdspanama.com
Document types and formats. (2012). Obtained from uji.es/