18 septiembre, 2024

The Lean methodology and its 5 principles

Do you know what are the principles of lean methodology? Do you know the 5 lean principles and what they consist of?

Productivity and efficiency are fundamental principles in any business context, and one of the requirements to achieve these ideals is to avoid waste, in other words, everything that does not add value to our business. The methodology focuses on this Leana work philosophy whose ultimate goal is to reduce expenses and increase profits.

This is the topic of this talk, given by Jesus Cuesta Arza, expert in improving production processes. Our guest is Specialist Lead and Manager at Deloitte, a leading company in the offer of professional services, including training, promotion and promotion of human capital. The methodology Lean It is the working method that he recommends and in this webinar he explains why.

What is the Lean methodology?

The methodology Lean It has its origin in Japan, within the production chain of Toyota, the giant automobile manufacturer. The principles of this philosophy are based on the elimination of all unnecessary expenses, to focus on maximizing value creation.

To do this, we must get rid of the so-called mura, died and change, that is, variation, overload and waste. With this, the methodology Lean It aims to maintain a constant workload and avoid anomalies that destabilize production routines.

In the lean methodologyand consider mura or variation any irregularity, non-compliance or interruption in the processes due to lack of standardization. Parallel, change or waste is useless activity, such as overproduction, poor time management or defects in the work chain. Finally, poor management of irregularities and waste produce what is called died or overload.

Principles of Lean methodology

In this context, and to avoid the consequences of mura, died and changethere are 5 principles on which the methodology is articulated Lean and what you can apply to improve your business:

Identify the value. The product must be something that the customer is willing to pay for.
Map the workflow. An analysis of the structure of all phases of the production process must be carried out.
Maintain a continuous flow. To do this, bottlenecks must be detected, work divided, and obstacles eliminated.
Apply the system pull. That is, a new task is only started when there is a demand that justifies it, contrary to the method pushin which the product is forced on the market.
Seek continuous improvement. Repeat this process and pursue perfection.

Any of these 5 principles of lean methodology They can be of great help in the development of your programs.

The key tools to apply the Lean methodology

Regarding the tools to carry out the methodology Leancan be divided into three groups.

First of all, in the lean culture We have those that help us identify what the value of our product is for the customer. This includes the basic needs that it covers, but also those desired, those that motivate, those that are indifferent and even what causes rejection.

In second place, lean culture too Analysis tools are necessary to check the quality of our work system. Here we talk about process maps, which represent the entire workflow from the beginning to the end point; or diagrams like the Pareto diagram, which is used to detect errors, how they accumulate and what effect they have on our project.

Third and last, in the lean culture The tools are found that serve to pursue continuous improvement. Highlights Kanbana method that is committed to optimizing the flow of information between positions and processes thanks to the establishment of specific tasks, in order to avoid overload.

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