25 julio, 2024

The 6 Most Relevant Economic Activities of Tlaxcala

The economic activities of Tlaxcala have varied in recent decades. From being a traditional economy based on the primary sector, the state of Tlaxcala has come to base its income on the services sector.

Some changes that have occurred very quickly since the beginning of the 20th century, at which time the GDP generated by the services sector doubled the percentages.

However, despite being one of the economies in the country that is growing the most in recent times, it also continues to be one of those with the greatest unemployment problem. It is estimated that less than half of the population does not have a formal job, and close to 20% earn below the minimum wage.

During the last decades, the population of Tlaxcala has grown enormously and has become urbanized. Therefore, the most important economic activities of the State have been transformed by this process.

Despite the industrialization process, in recent years the activities of the primary sector have regained importance. Therefore, the region now includes both primary economic activities (agriculture, livestock and fishing), as well as industrial and service activities.

The main economic activities of Tlaxcala

1- Textile industry

Within the economic activities dedicated to the manufacture of products, the textile industry continues to be the one that creates the greatest number of jobs in the entire state of Tlaxcala.

However, this branch of the secondary sector is one of the ones that has had the greatest number of problems recently.

Factors such as unfair trade practices, smuggling or the importation of foreign products have greatly reduced the income produced by this industry.

The textile industry focuses on typical state products, such as regional costumes used in celebrations, and other types of products for export and domestic consumption.

In fact, the state of Tlaxcala is currently among the 10 regions of the country with the highest textile production.

2- Manufacture and handling of metals

This industry covers a very large number of activities, such as the creation of machinery and equipment for the growing state industries.

This specialization of the manufacturing industry was one of those that created the greatest number of jobs in recent years.

Despite the fact that its growth has not been as important in recent times as that of primary and tertiary activities, in 2015 manufacturing industries increased their production by 15%.

3- Services sector

Activities related to services, commerce and tourism are those that have experienced the greatest growth in recent decades in Tlaxcala.

Most of the state’s income comes from this type of economic activity.

27% of the current population of Tlaxcala is dedicated to activities in the service sector. The most important activities are education, restaurant and hotel management, and health.

4- Primary sector

The economic activities of the primary sector have returned to gain importance lately in the state of Tlaxcala.

The most representative activities of the sector are livestock, agriculture and fishing. However, a fairly large number of the population is also engaged in other less common activities, such as logging or hunting.

5- Tourism

Tourism has become a very important economic activity in Tlaxcala. In recent times, it receives an average of 140,000 national and 8,000 international tourists each year.

Due to this, the companies dedicated to recreational activities, excursions and cultural and adventure tourism have increased their number enormously in the most recent times.

6- Construction

Tlaxcala has one of the most developed infrastructures in all of Mexico due to its strategic location. This promotes the constant improvement of roads and highways, as well as the air locations that are available near the capital.

In turn, the real estate sector is an important source of employment, due to the constant urbanization and creation of homes and premises around the entire state.


«Tourism in Tlaxcala» in: The Literary Agondontero. Retrieved on November 16, 2017, from El Agondontero Literario: elagondonteroliterario.blogspot.com.es
«Dynamic economic activity in Tlaxcala»in: Gentlx. Retrieved on November 16, 2017, from Gentlx: gentetlx.com.mx
«Economy of Tlaxcala» in: Explorando México. Retrieved on November 16, 2017, from Explorando México: explorandomexico.com.mx
«Tlaxcala» in: Wikipedia. Retrieved on November 16, 2017, from Wikipedia: es.wikipedia.com
«The economy of Tlaxcala was the second with the highest growth between January and March: Inegi» in: La Jornada de Oriente. Retrieved on November 16, 2017, from La Jornada de Oriente: lajornadadeoriente.com.mx

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