26 julio, 2024

The 48 Best Phrases of Paper Towns

I leave you the best quotes of Paper cities, a novel published in 2008 and a film released in 2015, directed by Jake Schreier. In the film the protagonist (Quentin) goes in search of his neighbor (Margo), who has mysteriously disappeared.

The night before she disappeared, Margo proposed to Quentin to put together a plan to get revenge on everyone who has hurt her. You may also be interested in these phrases from romantic movies.

-The way I see it, a miracle happens to everyone (…). But my miracle was different. My miracle was this: Of all the houses in the Florida subdivisions, I ended up living next door to Margo Roth Spiegelman. –Quentin.

-New York was the only place in the United States where a person could actually live half a bearable life. –Margo to Jase.

-A paper city for a paper girl. –Margo.

-I have lived here for eighteen years and never in my life have I come across someone who cared about such things. –Quentin.

-It’s hard to leave, until you leave. Then it becomes the easiest devilish thing in the world. –Quentin.

-My heart is really beating hard. –Quentin.
-That’s how you know you’re having fun. -Margo.

-It must be great to be an idea that everyone likes. –Quentin.

-At some point you have to stop looking up at the sky, or one of these days you’ll look back down and realize that you floated away too. –Detective Warren

-The city was made of paper, but the memories were not. All the things I had done here, all the love, the pity, the compassion, the violence, and the rancor still lived inside me. –Quentin.

-I mean, we are ninjas. -Margo.
-Well, maybe you’re a ninja. -Quentin.
-You’re just a weird and loud ninja. But we are both ninjas. -Margo.

-No matter how much life sucks, always beat the alternative. –Margo.

-This was the first time in my life that many things would never happen again. –Quentin.

– What a life it was that morning: nothing really mattered so much, neither the good nor the bad. We were taking care of each other’s entertainment and we were quite prosperous. –Quentin.

-It’s so easy to forget how full the world is of people, full to bursting, and each one of them is unimaginable and consistently misconceived. –Quentin.

-As long as we didn’t die, this was going to be a great story. -Radar.

-I imagine that it is difficult to return once you have felt the continents in the palm of your hand. –Quentin.

-Nothing ever happens the way you imagine it will. –Margo.

-Either she trusted me, or she wanted me to fall. –Quentin.

-Talking to a drunk person was like talking to an extremely happy, severely brain-damaged three-year-old. –Quentin.

-What a deceptive thing it is to believe that a person is more than that, a person. –Quentin.

-Even if I could see her there, I felt completely alone among all those big and empty buildings, as if I had survived an apocalypse and as if the world had been given to me, this great, wonderful and infinite world, for me to see. will explore. –Quentin.

-Nothing is as boring as other people’s dreams. –Quentin.

-I believe that the future deserves our faith. –Quentin.

-Perhaps this was what he needed to do above all things. She needed to find out what Margo was when she wasn’t Margo. –Quentin.

-Once the vessel is broken, the end becomes inevitable. –Quentin.

I knew these halls so well that I was finally beginning to feel as if they knew me too. –Quentin.

-The physical space between us evaporates. We touch the strings of our instruments one last time. –Quentin.

-If you don’t imagine it, nothing will ever happen at all. –Quentin.

«Because if it doesn’t happen to you, it doesn’t happen to anyone, right, Margo?» –Quentin.

-I have always found it ridiculous the fact that people want to be close to someone because they are good-looking. It’s like choosing your breakfast by colors instead of flavor. –Margo.

-I’ve never seen his eyes dead like that time, but then again, maybe I’ve never seen his eyes before. –Quentin.

Here I am in this parking lot, realizing I’ve never been this far from home, and here is a girl I love but can’t go on. I hope this is the hero’s call, because not following her has been the hardest thing I’ve ever done. –Quentin.

I’m not saying that everything can be survived. Only everything except the last one, yes. –Quentin.

Do you think I needed you? I didn’t need you, idiot. I chose you and then you chose me too. –Margo.

-Just remember that sometimes the way you think of a person may not match how they really are… People are different when you can smell and see them up close. –Ben.

-Suddenly I felt scared again, as if people I couldn’t see were watching me. –Quentin.

Peeing is like a good book, it’s hard to stop once you start. –Quentin.

-The high school is neither a democracy nor a dictatorship, nor, contrary to popular belief, an anarchic state. The high school is a monarchy by divine right. And when the queen goes on vacation, things change. –Quentin.

– Do you know what your problem is, Quentin? You keep hoping that people are not themselves. -Radar.

-The more I do my job, the more I realize that people lack good mirrors. It is very difficult for someone to show us how we look, and very difficult for us to show someone how we feel. –Quentin’s dad.

-You will go to the paper cities and never come back. –Margo graffiti.

-I always liked the routine. I guess I never found boredom very boring. –Quentin.

-Margo always loved mysteries. And given everything that happened afterward, I could never stop thinking that she loved mysteries so much that he became one of them. –Quentin.

-I like this. I like its consistency. I like that I can drive fifteen hours from home without the world changing much. –Quentin.

-The fundamental mistake that I always made, and that she, fairly, always let me make, was the following: Margo was not a miracle. She was not an affair. She was not a fine and precious thing. She was a girl. –Quentin.

«Do you guys remember that time, in the minivan, twenty minutes ago, we somehow didn’t die?» -Radar.

I’m too vain to risk that fate. –Margo.

-Wouldn’t it also be that, at a certain fundamental level, it is difficult for us to understand that others are human beings just like us? We either idealize them as gods or ignore them as animals. -Quentin’s mom.

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