15 septiembre, 2024

The 34 most famous colors starting with J (Name, Hex)

Some colors that start with the letter J They are jonquil, jasper or jasmine. Many of these colors are born from shades of natural stones that bear the same name, while others are inspired by the chromatic schemes of fish, rocks such as marble, or vegetables such as jalapeño or ginger.

As an example, the color jasper originates from a sedimentary rock that has many different shades.

Some of these colors do not have common names and are poorly understood; however, they are part of daily life and are observed all the time in the environment.

Colors that start with J

jade color

It is a yellowish green color from the pigments of a natural rock that bears the same name. It is also known as jade green or nephritic stone color.

white jade color

It is a specific color that also defines a variety of the same rock. In this case, the coloration has light grayish-green tones.

jonquil color

This color comes from a species of plant narcissus jonquilla which has small yellow flowers. The color comes from the pigments in the center of the flower.

jasmine color

This color comes from the jasmine flower. It is a yellowish hue with orange. Although it has bright colors, it is rather a pale color.

jaspan color

It is a color inspired by the different shades of marble. In fact, it is more of a color scheme. It includes colors such as white, red and yellow, these very dim.

jasper color

Jasper is a rock whose color tones bear the same name. Includes red and violet, also grey, yellow and green.

opal jasper color

It is a strong and dark blue tone, although it gives a translucent optical sensation. It is born from the opal stone that has similar tones. It has an intensity that brings it closer to violet.

reed color

The rush is a color scheme that includes orange and dark green. Its pigments come from the plant that bears the same name.

jonquil color

The jonquil is a coloring of very specific tones. These include yellow and orange. Also born from the plant narcissus jonquilla.

It is also known by the name jonquil yellow. Traditionally its derivative shades are known as light yellow, moderate yellow, orange yellow, and pale orange yellow, among others.

jungle color

This is a green color that emulates the colors of jungle plants. It is also traditionally known as jungle green.

jalde color

The jalde tone corresponds to a bright and intense yellow. In heraldry, the jalde corresponds to the color of gold, since it was the name of one of the metals used in the creation of weapons and shields of the same color.

great white

This color scheme includes shades of dark blue, gray and white. Its origin is presumed to be the pigments of fish Carcharodon carcharias. It is also called white shark color.

ginger color

jean color

japanese indigo

japanese violet

japanese carmine

jet color

jordy blue color

jelly bean color

jazzberry color

jalapeno color


Jacaranda: #2E0329 Jacarata: #3A2A6A Green Jade: #40726D Jaffa: #EF863F Jaguar: #F6861D Jambalaya: #5B3013 Japonica: #D87C63 Java: #1FC2C2 Jazz: #5F2C2F Jeffrey: #DDFFEE Red Jesus: #D51B04 White Jesus: # EDECBC

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