The 10 Most Popular Legends and Myths of Veracruz

The legends and myths of the state of Veracruz in Mexico they are generally related to Mexican historical events. Thanks to its topography, it has been possible to create a large number of stories that enrich its cultural traditions.

The myths and legends of this state are generally a combination of indigenous oral traditions mixed with the great influence that the Spanish conquest had on the region.

Veracruz is considered the pivotal point in the history of Mexico; the birth of the mestizo mexican nation. This region has a great coastline where you can find beaches, lagoons and rivers. In Veracruz you can also find forests, plains, and mountains that have inspired a large number of legends.

Veracruz witnessed the birth and growth of the mother of all Mesoamerican cultures: the Olmecs, whose roots can be traced back hundreds of years BC.

The traces of this culture, together with the Huastecs and Totonacs, and the Nahuatl influence can be observed in its great cultural baggage.

List of myths and legends of the state of Veracruz in Mexico

1- Legend of the mulata of Córdoba

It is based on an event that happened in the 16th century when the Holy Inquisition accused a mulatto woman of witchcraft. The file of this case can be found in the General archive of the nation.

The story tells that in Córdoba there lived a beautiful woman, called the Mulata who never grew old. It was thought that this woman had a pact with the devil or that she was a witch for which she was accused of witchcraft.

On the day of her execution, the jailer entered her cell to look for her. But the woman had drawn a ship on the wall of her cell.

To the jailer’s surprise, the woman jumped into the boat and it disappeared into the corners of the cell. The woman was never seen.

2- The mermaid of Tamiahua

The story goes that a woman named Irene went out to look for firewood during Holy Week. Immediately afterwards, she went to wash her face in a river. Both acts were prohibited, so the girl asked the gods for forgiveness.

It is said that the woman grew a mermaid tail, her skin turned red, and her hair dyed red. Her witnesses went out to chase her with boats, but failed to reach her.

The girl went singing to a boat that appeared in the sea and was never heard from again. Legend has it that if a person listens to this mermaid, they will have an accident.

3- The crying boy

This story is located in the Ojo de Agua lagoon, in Orizaba. It is said that a worker who was passing by and heard the crying of a child, after looking for him, found him sitting at the foot of the lagoon.

The boy told him that he was lost and asked him to please carry him to the church in Potrerillo. The man accepted and the boy told him not to look at him until he passed the first church they found.

As they approached the church, the man began to hear some strange noises and looked at the child; instead of the child there was a monster that laughed horribly. The man released the child and entered the church scared.

It is said that when that monster managed to enter a church, the Ojo de Agua lagoon would overflow and flood Orizaba, causing death and destruction.

4- The crybaby

This is Xico’s version. Supposedly the crybaby leaves from 12:00 to 1:00 in the morning in the rivers. La llorona was a woman who was heard crying because it was believed that she had lost her children.

5- The jewel of gold coins and the mermaid

In Orizaba lived a very rich man with a big house. Since he had so much money, he decided to bury a pot full of coins in a spring.

The man placed the bronze statue of a mermaid next to the pot to keep an eye on it. However, the years passed and the man died without telling anyone about the treasure.

For this reason, every June 24 at 12:00 at night, the mermaid becomes flesh and blood and swims through the spring. At dawn, he becomes a statue again to take care of the pot of coins that has not been discovered.

6- The Sambomono

Juanito lived in Tres Zapotes, a lonely boy, with his father. One day, other children discovered that Juanito had grown hair all over his body and a tail; they began to make fun of him and call him ‘Juanito the bear’.

Juanito, angry, told his father that he wanted to leave there so that no one would bother him anymore.

Therefore, Juanito decided to go live in the mountains, declaring that he would kill anyone who came near. He gave his dad a sea snail and told him to blow it when he went to visit so Juanito would know it was him.

Soon screams began to be heard in the mountains; people began to disappear. People believed it was an animal and called it Sambomono.

The father, embarrassed, never said it was his son, but warned people that if they had to go through the mountains, they should touch a snail.

7- Nahuani and Ahuilizapan

On San Andrés Hill lived a warrior named Nahuani, who was accompanied by her best friend: an eagle named Ahuilizapan.

When Nahuani died, Ahuilizapan flew up to the sky to drop into a tailspin. Where his body fell, a volcano was formed: the Orizaba peak.

8- Legend The Girl of the Angel

In 1908, a two-year-old girl died. Her parents asked that a marble monument be made in imitation of her daughter. The sculptor made the structure together with a guardian angel.

Legend has it that the angel moves to protect the girl; More than 100 years have passed and the monument is still in perfect condition.

It is said that sometimes you can see the angel in the ‘Juan de la Luz Enríquez’ pantheon stealing flowers from other graves to place them on the girl.

9- The dark dog

In Alvarado there was a man who harassed women, stole, and caused destruction in the town. The townspeople tried to lynch him, but they never found him.

At the same time, a black dog appeared and bit the hand of a lady in the market. Then the black dog started causing havoc all over town and everyone hated him.

One day, a man started beating the dog until it couldn’t move. When the dog was lying down, he got up on two legs and took off his skin.

Under that hide was the man who had caused all the trouble. The man ran and was never seen again in the town.

10- Dance of the blacks

In Papantla lived an African slave woman with her son. One day, her son was bitten by a snake and to save him, she performed an African ceremony applied in such cases; she sang, danced and shouted around the young man.

Some Totonac Indians observed the performance and since they liked the movements, they decided to imitate it and adapt it to their own culture. This is how the dance of the blacks was born.


Legend of the crybaby, Veracruz (2010). Retrieved from
The jewel of gold coins and the mermaid. Recovered from
The mulatta from Córdoba. Recovered from
The dark dog Recovered from
Mexican myths and legends- Veracruz. Recovered from
Legend of the angel girl. Recovered from


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