28 julio, 2024

Sports administration: what it is, history, fundamentals, types, functions

What is sports administration?

The sports administration It is a category of the administration in charge of the proper functioning of the structure of a sports entity. One of its objectives is the promotion and development of sport in all its disciplines.

Likewise, this type of management also includes commercial traits, although objectives focused on sports development and respect for the organization’s structure must always prevail.

According to some specialists, sports administration must pursue three main objectives: achieving organizational purposes, human resources management, and capital and asset management.

In this sense, this type of management is also supported by the conduct of the activities and resources of the structure, the budget, the facilities that can be obtained and the type of programming of the sports group.

A good sports administrator must take into account the sports facilities, the working conditions of the staff, the teams and the results that are to be obtained according to the season.

History of sports administration

Some elements related to the appearance of this discipline can be highlighted:

– Some specialists indicate that to talk about the birth of sports administration, it is important to name the emergence of the Olympic Games in Greece, especially since these games were an important part of the political and social development of the polis.

– At the time, sport was considered an activity and not a discipline that should be taken seriously, unlike other social and economic sectors.

– During the Middle Ages, the first signs of the current sports managers began to appear, people in charge of organizing shows and also teaching different disciplines.

– Starting in the 18th century, during the Industrial Revolution, other important aspects would appear that would shape the sports sector. Among them, the invention of new games, the establishment of rules and the formation of commissions and sports boards.

– However, the improvement of the subject as such would take place from the 80s of the 20th century, between the Olympic Games in Los Angeles (1984) and Seoul (1988), which served to demonstrate that sport could be a profitable business.

– With the passage of time, sport was seriously considered as a high-income generating industry that brought about the activation of the economy, at the same time that it produced popular acceptance and sympathy.

– Thanks to this level of importance, sports administration was established as a tool to provide structure and to guarantee the management of the resources of an institution of this nature, applied in the different existing disciplines.

– On the other hand, it is important to point out that for some authors, sports managers became important pieces in the formation of this area of ​​administration, since they helped establish this profession as it is known today.

Types of sports administration

There are three to mention:

Strategic management

It covers the planning process and the direction the organization should take to prevent future damage to the organization.

tactical management

It refers to tasks focused on achieving medium-term objectives. They are executed by the different departments.

operational management

It consists of the processes that will be carried out to fulfill the tasks. It covers all levels of the organization and the methodology to follow.


As it is an institution with intentions of economic growth, it can be said then that the fundamentals are the following:


Take into account the objectives and try to execute them in the most efficient way possible.


Consider the planning and distribution of responsibilities among the members that are part of the institution. This also makes it possible to establish and strengthen the links that are formed inside and outside the structure.


It is the accomplishment of the necessary tasks according to the objectives. In this case, it will be necessary to know the responsibilities of each element.


It has to do with the inspection and monitoring of functions and tasks by staff.


It involves an evaluation process on the market and the internal process.


In view of how the organization is, contemplate the projects that can be established in the future so that the organization and the team become stronger at a local, regional and international level.

Functions of the sports administration

The functions can be broken down as follows:

– Propose the guidelines that must be managed to achieve the objectives based on the programs, regulations and even the behavior of the staff.

– In this profession, it is necessary to distribute the tasks and resources that will be necessary for the institutions.

– Impart leadership, motivation and authority to staff. These will be necessary features to maintain the structure and proper functioning.

– Constantly evaluate the company and the environment in order to establish much bigger goals.

– Coordinate all the elements and resources that the institution has, to obtain the best possible results.

– Seek financing knowing the internal elements and the external context, including marketing techniques.

– Know how to select the most suitable personnel so that all the established tasks can be fulfilled.

– Know the management of Human Resources, since you work with egos and emotions, so the management of emotional intelligence is essential.

– Know how to establish strategic alliances to achieve the objectives of the institution (alliance with other leagues, franchises, out-sourcing, etc.).

Profile of the professional in charge of sports management and administration

As mentioned above, the sports manager is the person who will be in charge of arranging the monetary, technological and human resources to maximize the performance of the tasks, in order to obtain the desired results.

Therefore, the skills that the person in question must have are named:


You must handle a wide range of knowledge related to finance, psychology, accounting and human resources.

Human of an interpersonal nature

It refers to the ability to enhance the capabilities of all your staff, customers and investors. This also includes his talent as a leader.


The manager will be able to see that the organization is a living entity and that it needs to constantly interrelate.


He is a professional capable of identifying the variables that can affect the internal structure of the company, as well as external factors. This will help you to act effectively in the present and also to foresee complex scenarios in the future.

Other essential features

In addition to those already mentioned, others can be pointed out:

– He is an ideal executive for any sports and recreation entity.

– Constantly analyzes the needs of the institution.

– Negotiates strategic alliances.

– Develops brand management to give impetus to a certain product.

– It is capable of organizing events, such as championships or sporting events.


What does a sports manager do? (brief opinion) (2016). Recovered from libervespa.com.
Sports Administration and Management – ​​Distance (sf). Retrieved from uigv.edu.pe.
History of sports administration (sf). Recovered from utel.edu.mx.

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