26 julio, 2024

Somatometry: what it is, measurements and applications

What is somatometry?

The somatometry, or anthropometry, is the science dedicated to studying and evaluating the measurements and proportions of the human body. Its name derives from two Greek words: somato (meaning «body») and metric (meaning measure), so the name literally means «measure of the body.»

This science has direct applications in multiple disciplines, such as medicine, nutrition, sports training, anthropology, and even forensic science.

Although it may seem simple at first glance, anthropometry is a complex science. This is because it is not simply a question of measuring different diameters and lengths of the human body, but of establishing the proportions between them.

In addition, somatometry makes it possible to determine the physical characteristics of particular ethnic groups and human beings in different periods of history, as well as the changes in dimensions and proportions throughout the life of the individual.

basic measures of somatometry

The basic measurements in somatometry are weight and height. Both are an essential part of any medical examination. From them you can calculate the body mass index (BMI), a fairly accurate indicator of the individual’s nutritional status.

With the height it is possible to calculate the body surface of the individual. This information is useful when selecting certain types of medications, prostheses and even calculating hydration in special cases, such as patients who have suffered burns.

Obtaining weight and height data is very simple, it is only necessary to have a clinical scale and a height rod to obtain useful and accurate information.

In the case of small children, it is necessary to have an infantometer, an instrument very similar to the clinical scale but specially configured to work with young people.

Specific clinical measurements in somatometry

Although weight and height are a fundamental part of any medical examination, there is an infinite number of anthropometric data that may be necessary to know within certain clinical contexts.

For example, the diameter of the abdominal circumference is of vital importance in determining cardiovascular risk. This diameter is measured with a conventional tape measure, which is placed around the subject’s abdomen, parallel to the floor and at the height of the navel.

An abdominal circumference greater than 90 cm in men and 80 cm in women is synonymous with increased cardiovascular risk. This measure is even more accurate than BMI in predicting future vascular risk.

On the other hand, in pediatrics anthropometric measurements are used daily to assess the growth of children. Among the most used is the head circumference, which allows determining the growth of the head and brain in the first years of life.

Special instrumental measurements of somatometry

Until now, only the anthropometric measurements that can be obtained with more or less simple instruments, directly in a doctor’s office and without major complications, have been mentioned.

However, modern somatometry encompasses much more than can be measured by simple physical examination. For this, it is necessary to have special instruments to determine certain dimensions of the human body, which would otherwise be impossible to know.

triceps fold

The measurement of the triceps fold is very useful in determining the fat content of the human body.

Although the weight allows knowing the weight of bones, muscles, viscera and body fat as a whole, it is limited information. This is because on many occasions it is necessary to know the lean weight and the percentage of body fat to assess the nutritional status of a person.

In these cases, an instrument known as a caliper is used, which measures the thickness of the skin fold that the clamp takes at the midpoint of the posterior region of the arm (triceps region).

The thickness of the fold in this area, as well as in other specific areas of the anatomy (abdomen, for example) makes it possible to calculate the percentage of body fat with considerable precision and establish appropriate therapeutic strategies.


Pelvimetry is the evaluation of the diameters of the bony pelvis of the woman. It is a very useful study in obstetrics, since it allows to anticipate with great precision which group of women will be able to deliver vaginally and which will need a cesarean section because the diameters of their pelvis are less than the minimum required for delivery.

Although most women will be able to give birth vaginally, pelvimetry is useful in those with a history of pelvic trauma or fractures, a family history of cesarean sections or instrumental deliveries due to fetal-pelvic disproportion, or in pregnant women. of large fetuses (calculated weight greater than 4,500 grams).

To perform pelvimetry, a series of X-rays must be taken in different projections, which will allow the exact diameters of the pelvis to be known. In particular, the areas known as pelvic straits, where the narrowest diameters are reached, will be measured.


In medicine it is said that there is a megalia when an organ is larger than normal. Although it is sometimes possible to detect this condition through clinical examination, it is only possible when the dimensions of the organ in question are much higher than normal.

However, with the use of ultrasound, the size of practically any solid organ or hollow viscus that contains fluid inside can be determined with great precision, which makes this study a fundamental tool for the early detection of visceral growths.

If, for example, enlargement of the liver (hepatomegaly) or spleen (splenomegaly) is detected during the ultrasound, the appropriate diagnostic protocol can be initiated long before organ growth is detectable on clinical examination. This increases therapeutic success and significantly improves the prognosis.

As can be seen, as imaging technology advances, the scope of somatometry is expanding. At present, in addition to the diagnostic tools already mentioned, studies such as computerized axial tomography, functional magnetic resonance imaging and echocardiography are also used, to mention some of the most common.

somatometry applications

Although somatometry is known for its application in the medical clinic, its usefulness goes much further. TO Next we will explain some of the most common uses.

In medicine

In medicine, the applications of somatometry are multiple and very varied. In this field, measurements of the human body allow us to know if a child is growing properly, if an organ is bigger or smaller than normal, or if a treatment negatively affects some body structure.

Anthropometric measurements are an integral part of any physical examination, and some more or less detailed ones are included according to the needs of the specialist doctor.

In this sense, very broad information can be obtained, ranging from the largest and thickest data, such as weight and height, to microscopic details, such as the anteroposterior diameter of the eye, the latter being extremely useful in the selection of lenses. for cataract surgery, among other things.

in nutrition

Closely related to medicine, in the field of nutrition anthropometry also plays a very important role.

Somatometry allows a very accurate approach to the nutritional status of an individual. The different measurements and proportions calculated from the data obtained make it possible to know for sure if a person is undernourished, malnourished or eutrophic.

In sports

In sports, especially when talking about highly competitive athletes, somatometry is essential for the proper performance of the athlete.

Anthropometric information allows the design of personalized equipment and clothing that maximize the performance of the athlete. In addition, the body proportions allow to anticipate with great precision for which discipline the body of each individual is best adapted.

In this sense, real-time motion capture allows somatometry to go a step further, since it not only works with static measurements, but it is also possible to see how the dimensions, proportions and angles of the body change in real time. This allows to design personalized training plans for each athlete.

in forensic medicine

In forensic sciences, somatometry plays a fundamental role in the analysis of evidence. For example, c.With the measurements of a corpse, forensics can determine if it is a man or a woman, in addition to being able to calculate the age of the deceased with great precision.

On the other hand, through anthropometry it is possible to determine the height, weight and strength of an aggressor through the study of the injuries inflicted on the victim. In this case, the body is not directly measured, but the dimensions and characteristics of the lesions can be checked a posteriori with the anthropometric measurements of potential suspects, to rule them out or confirm them in the investigation.

in anthropology

Through the characteristics, dimensions and body proportions it is possible to locate any human being (current or ancient) in a specific ethnic group and geographical region.

Thus, it can be said that each ethnic group, at a certain time, has specific measurements and proportions that allow them to be differentiated from each other.

Both in modern anthropology and in forensic anthropology, somatometry provides key information for the classification and grouping of individuals.

in ergonomics

The branch of engineering and design responsible for making objects, tools and spaces adapt to the physical characteristics of their users is known as ergonomics.

The goal of ergonomics is that all everyday objects can be used easily and comfortably, adapting them to the measurements, proportions, estimated strength and physical characteristics of the users.

To achieve this design objective, it is essential to have somatometric information from potential users, so that the weight, size, design, proportions and other characteristics of each element are adapted to its end users.

The set of data provided by somatometry allows the design of specific tools and articles for women, men and children. It could even go a little further and design specific objects for certain specific populations.


Frisancho, AR Anthropometric standards for the assessment of growth and nutritional status. University of Michigan Press.
Reilly, T., Bangsbo, J., & Franks, A. Anthropometric and physiological predispositions for elite soccer. Journal of sports sciences. Ulijaszek, SJ, & Kerr, DA Anthropometric measurement error and the assessment of nutritional status. British Journal of Nutrition. Gouvali, M….

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