26 julio, 2024

Psychology of women: what it is and characteristics of the female sex

What is the psychology of women?

The psychology of women, or femininehas to do with behaviors linked to various factors, such as love, social relationships, sexuality, communication, aggressiveness and much more.

Did you know that a woman’s brain is slightly different from a man’s? However, these small differences, added to hormonal factors and other circumstances, make the behaviors of female psychology have certain peculiarities.

Knowing them you will be able to know yourself a little more. If you are a man, after reading these lines, you may understand the members of the opposite sex a little better.

Characteristics of female psychology

Women talk more about other people

Have you ever heard that women talk more than men? And on certain occasions, it is.

However, recent studies conducted at Harvard University, the University of Texas, and the University of Arizona have shown that women speak approximately the same number of words as men on a daily basis.

But what was actually observed is that women talk more when they have to do a team task, if the group is small.

And another important difference found is that women talk more about other people, while men generally talk more about sports, politics, cars, or other more impersonal topics.

There is no reason to see this as something negative. According to the opinion of neuropsychiatrist Louann Briezdine, author of the book the female brainDiscussing social and emotional details about other people has helped women better understand interpersonal relationships and keep families together for thousands of years.

women are more sensitive

This conclusion has been reached by a team of psychologists who have dedicated themselves to studying the character traits of men and women through a special survey.

The results of the research, carried out by scientists from the University of Turin and the University of Manchester, show that one of the main differences between men and women is sensitivity.

They tend to be more emotional or sentimental, and also warmer, cordial, and apprehensive. There are also those who think that men are actually sensitive too, they just don’t express it as much.

women think intuitively

Does it surprise you that many times women, with just a glance, identify an intriguing woman or a playmate who could be a bad influence on their children?

The famous female intuition does exist, and scientists seem to have found a biological explanation for this phenomenon.

This capacity for automatic and unconscious thought defined as intuition, which allows women to guess what other people are thinking or feeling, would be related to the amount of testosterone they are exposed to before birth, according to the results of a study carried out in Granada.

Baby boys receive more testosterone during their fetal development, and this can affect how their neurons work later on.

In this way, male thinking tends to be more reflective and reasoning, while women let themselves be carried away more by their instinct.

Hormonal changes affect mood

Most women notice how their mood changes around the time of their menstrual period. If you are a girl, you may become more irritable on those days, feeling more depressed and moody.

Instead, during the first days of the cycle until ovulation, these symptoms disappear. This has a clear explanation from the hormonal point of view.

When estrogen levels are high, during the early part of the cycle, women are generally in a better mood, flirt, and become more interested in sex. When estrogen levels drop and progesterone levels rise, that’s when women become more touchy and irascible.

And if it is a woman who has recently given birth, the change is even bigger. The hormonal chaos in her body can greatly affect her mood, which can be highly variable.

Women tend not to express their aggressiveness

Both women and men feel rage and anger equally, with the same intensity, but they tend to channel these emotions in very different ways.

The man is more prone to express his aggressiveness, to enter into conflict and fight. The way its neurons are wired in the brain makes it more prone to physical aggression.

Instead, the woman seems to avoid conflict, which is not to say that she doesn’t feel those emotions. Women tend to be less physically aggressive, although they can channel these feelings by expressing themselves verbally.

women care more

It is also proven that women worry more than men. They have more intense worries, because they perceive greater risk in certain situations and tend to have more anxiety than men.

So if you notice your wife or girlfriend worrying too much, take it as a matter of course.

Women understand non-verbal language better

Whenever two or more people communicate by talking, they also do so unconsciously through gestures, poses, or hand movements.

According to psychologists, women are often better at interpreting the information provided by non-verbal language.

Probably, intuition is based on the interpretation of these messages and helps women to be more empathetic, that is, to realize how the other person feels or is thinking.

Women make fewer risky decisions

Another of the curiosities of the psychology of women is that they do not make as many risky decisions compared to men.

Women are usually more cautious, and as you may have read in previous paragraphs, they tend to perceive greater risk in certain situations.

In general, men are the ones who undertake tasks such as mining, construction or hunting, activities that imply a certain risk.

On the other hand, since time immemorial, the woman is the one who must ensure the safety of her home and her children, and it is probably for this reason that even today, she thinks very carefully before making a risky decision.

Women talk about their feelings

Surely you have already noticed this feature of female psychology. They usually meet friends to talk about their personal issues and their feelings.

Instead, when men chat with their peers, they tend to talk about non-personal topics, such as sports, the news, or politics. This can be clearly seen in certain discussions in marriage, for example.

According to psychologist Elaine D. Eaker, who conducted a study of marital arguments, she found that many men keep their feelings to themselves, calling themselves silent and leaving the argument.

While women express more what they feel and insist on the discussion mentioning the things they would like to change.

women have better memory

According to a study carried out by the University of Cambridge, women have a better ability than men to memorize information.

The research was carried out with the collaboration of 4,500 people between the ages of 49 and 90, and showed that, in addition to gender, education also influences memory.

Those who stopped studying before the age of 16 made more errors on tests than those who left school at 18 or older, with the latter proving to have stronger memories.

The fact that women have more efficient memories may explain why they remember the whole family’s birthdays, anniversaries and where the car keys are left so perfectly.

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