28 julio, 2024

Peaceful coexistence: right, how to promote it, risks, examples

Peaceful coexistence It is the ability of human beings to live harmoniously among a group of individuals who live in the same space. The goal is to achieve collective health and well-being within a society.

Throughout its existence, human beings have lived through periods of peace and war, so the search for a peaceful coexistence is very old. This succession of warlike and peaceful periods occurs due to a lack of recognition among human groups. However, they have the virtue of opening channels of dialogue that allow coexistence.

The concept of peaceful coexistence as such was born during the Cold War, after a phase of great tension between the US and the USSR. Later, during the last decades of the 20th century, the concept was expanded to include precepts such as non-aggression, respect for sovereignty, national independence and non-interference.

Today, the concept is very broad and encompasses, in addition to the aforementioned precepts, other elements such as the necessary acceptance of differences and the ability to listen, recognize, respect and appreciate others.

Likewise, peaceful coexistence must be applied not only in interpersonal relationships, but also in schools, societies and nations.


Right to peaceful coexistence

Terrorism, humanitarian crises and wars that millions of citizens on the planet are currently experiencing, occur mostly due to poverty and the existence of inequalities in terms of opportunities, wealth and power.

In addition, the lack of recognition regarding religious and cultural diversities should also be included as a factor; All these elements affect the development of a peaceful coexistence.

For this reason, international organizations and intergovernmental institutions, such as the United Nations (UN) and the World Health Organization (WHO), have taken decisive steps in the search for the roots and solutions of conflicts with the aim of guaranteeing coexistence harmonious within the different countries of the world.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

On December 10, 1948, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This document arose after the horrors experienced during World War II and is an invaluable reference in the search for peaceful coexistence.

The first article of this declaration indicates that all human beings are born equal in terms of dignity and rights and, endowed with conscience and reason, must behave in a brotherly manner towards one another. (UN 1948).

Similarly, this article decisively shows that peaceful coexistence can only be sustained by creating just and inclusive societies that are free from fear and violence.

World Report on Health and Violence

The World Health Organization in 2002 delivered the first world report on health and violence. This document was the result of the work of 150 experts from the different regions that make up the WHO.

The WHO document revealed the magnitude of the problem of violence in the world, as well as provided working tools for governments, communities, people who are victims of violence and for anyone who fights for a peaceful society.

How to promote peaceful coexistence?

To achieve peaceful coexistence, a holistic approach is necessary that includes from the individuality of the human being to all social, educational, national and international levels; Only in this way is it possible to advance in the structuring of inclusive, peaceful, just societies that are maintained over time.

To achieve these objectives it is necessary to develop and improve the educational level of nations, as indicated in article 26.2 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UN 1948).

This article establishes that education should aim to strengthen the human personality and promote respect for fundamental freedoms and human rights, promoting understanding, friendship and tolerance not only between nations, but also between ethnic groups. and religious; this will promote peacekeeping.

Consequently, it can be affirmed that the existence of a good affective and emotional climate in schools is decisive for the development of human beings and the promotion of peaceful coexistence.

However, to achieve school coexistence it is necessary to change the perception that the school environment is a homogeneous space. It must be taken into account that, as an individual, each student has characteristics, qualities, abilities and interests that make them unique.

How do you put yourself at risk?

Human rights continue to be violated and not recognized by many people, institutions and states. In turn, contempt for those who are different is becoming an all too common form of relationship in our society; All these factors put peaceful coexistence at risk.

There are certain attitudes that must be worked on and eradicated in order to safeguard a peaceful coexistence. Some of these behaviors are:

The prejudices

These mostly originate misconceptions, hindering relationships between individuals and societies.


When an individual or a group is not willing to reach points of agreement, coexistence is impossible, which can produce a relationship of subordination.

There are also other factors that put peaceful coexistence at risk, such as the denial of the right to work or housing and the rejection of people seeking asylum.


Despite all the factors that affect peaceful coexistence, there are also examples of some nations that have taken great steps to achieve harmony in their territories:

South Africa

In 1994, after three years of negotiations between the government of President Frederik Willem de Klerk and the African National Congress led by Nelson Mandela, the parties signed a National Peace Accord that ended centuries of apartheid. ).


On December 29, 1996, the Guatemalan government and the Guatemalan National Revolutionary Unity managed to put an end to a 36-year war that left more than 200,000 victims. In addition, the negotiators created a Permanent Assembly of Civil Society and an International Commission against Impunity.

North Ireland

In Northern Ireland, it took nearly 30 years of negotiations between the rebel Irish Republican Army and the British government to achieve strong co-existence policies on issues such as equality and diversity, including education.

The European Union and the promotion of school inclusion

Currently, there are several European initiatives that are underway to achieve a more inclusive schooling and to encourage citizen participation.

For example, recently arrived migrant children are received in educational centers, who enjoy preparatory classes to later go on to mainstream education.


UN General Assembly. (1948). Universal Declaration of Human Rights (217A). Retrieved on October 19, 2019 from United Nations Organization: un.org
UN General Assembly. (2000). Millennium Declaration (A/55/L.2). Retrieved on October 21, 2019 from CINU Mexico: cinu.mx
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