What are neutral substances?
The neutral substances in pH are those whose hydrogen potential (pH) is equal to 7. Some of these substances are: pure water, human saliva, sodium chloride, breast milk and ammonium acetate.
pH is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution. If the pH is less than 7, the solution is acidic. If the pH is greater than 7, then the solution is alkaline.
In the case of substances with neutral pH, this measurement is exactly equal to 7 or very close to this value. These substances have equal numbers of positively charged hydrogen ions and negatively charged hydroxyl ions (hydrogen and oxygen).
Examples of substances with neutral pH
1- Pure water
In pure water the charge of positive hydrogen ions and negative hydroxyl ions is balanced. In that sense, the pH value is exactly equal to 7.
2- Human saliva
The pH value of human saliva under normal conditions varies in a band between 6.2 and 7.4. It can be said that, on average, it corresponds to a neutral pH.
3- 10% potassium nitrate solution
Potassium nitrate is often used in aqueous solutions as a crop fertilizer.
Assuming a composition of 13% nitrogen and 44 or 46% potassium oxide used in a 10% solution, a neutral pH solution is obtained.
4- Breast milk
More than 85% of the composition of breast milk is water-based, followed by a significant presence of proteins, minerals, vitamins, fat and lactose. The pH of breast milk is neutral.
5- 10% magnesium sulfate heptahydrate solution
It is usually marketed in a concentration of 16% magnesium oxide and 13% sulfur. Diluted in water to 10%, a substance with neutral pH is produced. This solution is widely used as a fertilizer.
6- Cesium chloride 98%
Currently, it is recommended as part of the diet for cancer patients given its properties against cancer cells. It is also recommended in the treatment against cardiac arrhythmias.
7- Zinc sulfate monohydrate solution at 5%
Zinc sulfate has multiple applications. Its 5% monohydrate formulation has a neutral pH and is used for agricultural purposes, as fertilizer and to remove moss from surfaces.
8- Sodium chloride (common salt)
Table salt or common salt comes from the mixture of a strong base (NaOH) and a strong acid (HCl).
By making a solution between the two, the ionic balance is maintained, so common sodium chloride is considered a neutral salt.
9- Ammonium acetate
It is considered a neutral salt, since it is obtained by mixing a weak acid (acetic acid) and a weak base (ammonia). It is used in chemical analysis, in the pharmaceutical industry and as a food preservative.
10- Potassium chloride
It is commonly used in the manufacture of fertilizers and as a chemical reagent. Currently it also has an important use in the field of health, since it is used in the treatment of diarrhea and vomiting.
11- Blood
The blood has pH levels between 7.3 and 7.7, which is within the neutral pH range due to its proximity to level 7.
12- Cerebrospinal fluid
Colorless fluid that is distributed throughout the brain and spinal cord. It has a pH level of 7.5.
Licata, M. (nd). Breast milk and its nutritional properties. Recovered from: zonadiet.com
Potassium Nitrate (nd). Retrieved from: ipni.net
What is Neutral pH? (nd). Retrieved from: cheesela.net