Leaves, carvings or edible flowers.
Plant of the species Robinia pseudoacacia, known as false acacia.
Tree of the species Gomortega keule.
Tree of the species Cinchona officinalis.
Herb of the species Chenopodium quinoa.
Citrus variety from China.
Maguey flower stem.
Herb of the species Amaranthus hybridus.
Plant of the species Abelmoschus esculentus
Tree of the species Quillaja saponaria.
Commonly Kiwi, plant of the species Actinidia deliciosa.
Plant of the species Chusquea quila.
Plant of the species Monstera adansonii.
Plant of the species Abelmoschus esculentus.
Several species of forest plants, such as Santalum acuminatum.
Plants that present a variegation.
Tree of the species Schinopsis balansae.
Plant of the species Nephrolepis cordifolia.
A genus of plants in the family Bromeliaceae.