Instrumental value: what it is, characteristics, techniques and examples

What is instrumental value in management?

He instrumental value In administration it refers to the things and ways of acting used to reach a certain end, after establishing a certain number of objectives.

It can also be said that the instrumental value is one of the main features of the administration, since this specific matter allows to achieve the objectives of an institution or individual efficiently.

In this sense, the instrumental value implies the participation of all departments and bodies, as well as the establishment of a specific objective that allows the activities to be channeled.

It is worth mentioning that for some authors, this aspect can use a series of tools that are manifested in the execution process, such as the setting of general and specific objectives, and the use of the SWOT or SWOT matrix, which is extremely useful for the time of decision making.

Characteristics of instrumental value

Some essential features related to instrumental value are:

– Indicates that administration is a means to achieve objectives, therefore, it is a merely practical discipline.

– It is an aspect that is applied at all levels and sub-levels that a company or institution has. This means that the tasks are shared by all the members, since it is expected to achieve a final objective.

– Allows the organization and planning of components for the execution of the projects that the company has launched.

– It is applied in social organizations, such as: churches, schools, governments, companies, associations, etc.

– Because it depends on the division of tasks, the company or institution uses the «organizational culture», which includes the mission and vision, as well as the breakdown of the functions that must be fulfilled by both the departments and the people that comprise it. .

Other management related features

– Universality: the administration can be applied to all types of organizations and associations, whether public or private.

– Purpose: this discipline has a specific value that allows the fulfillment of the proposed objectives, therefore, it should not be confused with other specializations.

– Temporary: requires planning and compliance with phases that will require time and joint work, since the strategies do not work in isolation. As a result, the process of continuous improvement is also highlighted.

– Interdisciplinary: it can be related to other subjects that imply management related to the efficiency of work and functions.

– Flexibility: allows a margin for the improvement of processes in order to achieve the objectives set.

– Hierarchical: although the tasks and functions are divided by the different departments, it is necessary that each of them be headed by a person, who will assume leadership and a higher level of responsibility.

Some techniques used to achieve objectives

The instrumental value indicates that the administration is practical; A series of tools used during the planning process and also for the achievement of objectives are named below:

Gantt diagram

It allows the monitoring of the tasks raised in a certain period of time. According to specialists, this method is extremely useful, since it helps to visualize the stages that have been completed in the process, while controlling the expenses that may arise.

The usefulness of this instrument is such that it can be applied in different fields. For example, to keep track during the construction of a building, compliance with the programs established in an IT department or to keep track of the activities and subjects that have been carried out throughout the course in a class.

On the other hand, some specialists indicate that, thanks to the Gantt chart, it is possible to plan simple processes and break down more complex ones, since its platform is easy to implement.

Flowchart, or flowbranch

It is a graphical representation of the phases that are needed to complete a certain process. One of the most interesting aspects has to do with the fact that this tool allows recording events, phenomena and behaviors with a certain degree of detail.

The flowchart allows to know the structure of the processes in such a specific point that it allows the visualization of opportunities that the company can take advantage of in its favor.

In this case, it is recommended to place the main ideas and objectives in each phase, to have greater clarity.

SWOT Matrix (also known as SWOT)

It is considered one of the most widely used planning methods today, since it clearly and concisely shows the negative and positive aspects of a company.

This tool considers internal and external aspects that can be analyzed at the beginning of a project or during it. In any case, all items must involve supervision, analysis and feedback to encourage continuous improvement.

Instrumental Value Examples

– An establishment for the sale of spare parts is installed near workshops and dealers, which has an ATM, with hours from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (with two hours for lunch).

If the owner wants to improve the sales of that place, it is necessary to hire more staff and extend the hours of attention in order to satisfy the demand.

On the other hand, you may be able to improve the situation, even in the short term, since you are surrounded by potential customers who will constantly require items to be sold.

– The sales department of a marketing company wants to improve its numbers, so it proposes to make a series of changes to improve them. The boss raises a series of responsibilities registered in a Gantt chart to visualize the progress and fulfillment of the tasks.

Weekly meetings will be held where progress is discussed and weaknesses that need to be improved will be reviewed.

– A publisher wants to increase its sales. To do this, it carries out a study of the authors it offers, and involves the Promotion and Sales departments to carry out tours with the authors, interviews and television programmes.

– An artisan shoe store wants to include three new models of shoes. He will carry out a survey among his clients to measure their acceptance, and he will train the workers to prepare them, while explaining the differences with the previous ones. Thus, employees will understand the importance of innovating.


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