We explain what individual actions are, their characteristics, the differences with social actions, and we give several examples.
What are individual actions?
The individual actions or personal are activities that are carried out both for self-care and for the care of close people, such as family members or close friends. These actions somehow seek personal protection and well-being.
Although these types of practices that are of an individual nature mainly seek their own benefit, they also have an impact in some way on our close social circle, who in turn are part of our personal environment.
On the other hand, there are social or collective actions. These activities are carried out to protect and care for the community that may surround a certain person, such as their co-workers, neighbors or citizens.
These practices with collective purposes, seek that one or more individuals work for a particular purpose, with the purpose of benefiting a group of people who need support or help for a specific cause.
Characteristics of individual actions
Social activities or actions have the following characteristics.
They are carried out by a single person in order to benefit mainly from himself or his family.
Individual actions are those that mainly seek self-care and own well-being.
These types of own practices depend on each individual and not on other people.
With individual actions, not only self-care is sought, but also personal growth, since these activities manage to make those who practice them better each time.
Individual behaviors can be performed by anyone, at any time and at any age. They have no limitations.
Your own activities can have positive effects both in the short term and in the long term. This depends on how often they are done.
The benefits that individual actions can give need not necessarily be complicated. They can be small activities that step by step are bringing benefits.
These activities must be constant and disciplined, because with persistence better results will be seen.
Helping family or close friends can be seen as an individual action, since having good family or friend relationships will benefit the individual who is part of it.
Individual actions, even if they are focused on individual growth and benefit, can also help other people directly or indirectly.
With their own activities, not only is the benefit of human beings sought, but caring for animals and nature brings positive individual effects.
Individual actions can range from personal hygiene, hydration or nutrition, to physical and intellectual activities.
Differences between individual and social actions
The main difference between an individual and a social action is that the individual action mainly benefits a particular person or their loved ones, while the social action seeks to help more than one person, that is, a group of individuals.
However, there are other important differences and similarities to take into account and that can facilitate the understanding of each of these behaviors. Some of these are:
Individual actions can only be carried out by the person for self-care, while collective activities can be carried out by one or more people in order to help more individuals.
Both individual and collective behaviors lead human beings to grow more and more as people.
Self-help or helping others allows personal growth to a great extent, since it increases sensitivity and social awareness.
Social behaviors often seek to promote causes in large communities, such as caring for animals or the elderly. Individuals seek personal benefit.
Both individual and social activities can have positive effects in the short, medium or long term, as long as they are done with perseverance and discipline.
Social activities depend on the needs that a group of people may have, while individual activities only serve their own needs.
Both individual activities, as well as social ones, have no limitation as to who can carry them out. This is that anyone, of any age, can perform them.
Individual actions, as well as social ones, should not only focus on helping people or social groups, but can also be directed towards nature or caring for animals.
Examples of individual activities:
Always have good personal hygiene, which helps good health.
Respect the people who make up our community and city.
If you have a pet, always take proper care of it. Feed her well, keep her clean, take care of her health and treat her with love.
Eating in a healthy, nutritious and balanced way and at the correct hours.
Regularly do some physical activity, either outdoors or in a covered place.
Periodically visit the doctor to have adequate control of physical and mental health.
Rest when necessary to avoid future health problems.
Regularly read a book or text to learn new things and activate the mind.
Try to use smartphones, computers, or mobile devices less.
Regularly visit the dentist to have control over the health of the teeth.
Correctly complete the tasks and activities assigned at school.
Help the elderly when necessary. For example, to cross the street or to walk.
Give up your seat on public transport to disabled, elderly or pregnant people.
Talk to friends and colleagues to find out their tastes and learn from them.
Socialize with other people to meet different people and make new friends.
Help family and friends in what they may need.
Have frequent contact with nature (parks, trees, gardens, flowers, etc.).
Drink a good amount of water daily to maintain body hydration.
Study one or more languages in order to understand new cultures.
Organize the room daily and keep it clean and tidy.
Fontes, M. (2019). Individual Action, Collective Change: Six Ways Individuals Can Create Environmental Change. Retrieved from harvardlpr.com
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Samuel Martin-Gutierrez, JC, & Benito, RM (2020). Impact of individual actions on the collective response of social systems. Retrieved from nature.com
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