What are ICTs?
The acronym TIC means Information and Communication Technologies. They can be defined as technological tools that, using the latest advances in computing, microelectronics and telecommunications, increase the data processing power of electronic devices and facilitate communications and access to information.
ICTs are the technologies that have emerged in recent decades, from the expansion of the Internet and the popularization of smart phones. Examples of these are social networks, email, commerce and electronic banking, or mobile applications.
One of the main differences between ICTs and traditional communication technologies, such as television and radio, is interactivity, that is, the ability of users to express free opinions about the content published by companies and institutions on web pages. and social networks.
This interactivity, in turn, has profoundly modified the relationship between providers of products and services and consumers. The latter exert considerable influence on the strategic decisions made by the former.
ICT characteristics
are immaterial
Although the devices that allow us to use them are material objects, ICTs function as information transmission processes on the Internet or in the cloud, which are immaterial systems.
are instantaneous
All the actions we do in ICT are instantaneous and immediate, whether it is sending a text message, playing a video or audio, obtaining search results or accessing web pages.
are interactive
Contrary to traditional radio or television, in which the user is a passive receiver of the information, in ICT the receiver can interact with the content and influence the way in which it is produced.
They are in continuous innovation
Both the technology of the devices, as well as the information processing power and the variety of services offered by ICTs, are constantly evolving. The next step is quantum computing.
They are interdisciplinary
Many of the technologies that are part of ICT have been born from the collaboration between two or more scientific disciplines. For example, email is the product of the connection between computing and information technology.
What are ICTs for?
ICTs have two main functions:
– Allow users to access information easily and quickly.
– Make it possible for communication to be instantaneous, both from person to person and between user, device and network.
This has definitively abolished the distances between people and has broken down the technological barriers that prevented the flow of information on a global scale.
types of ICT
They are equipment connected to each other, forming a network through which data circulates. The connection between this equipment can be through a cable, as in the case of broadband or cable television, via satellite (cellular telephone) or by radio frequencies.
It is the hardware or the physical part of the ICT. In other words, these are the devices that allow us to connect to the Internet and enjoy the benefits of ICT. Examples of terminals are mobile phones, computers, tablets and laptops.
In this type are the ICTs that were designed to provide some type of service. For example, instant messaging, online banking, GPS, file storage space in the cloud, among others.
ICT advantages
– They allow instant communication anywhere in the world.
– They have diversified the means of information and facilitated access to them.
– They have generated new industries and numerous jobs.
– Facilitate distance education and increase its effectiveness.
– They provide free access to almost all human knowledge from a mobile or from home.
Disadvantages of ICT
– They represent a source of distraction during working hours.
– They can generate addiction.
– They can easily become a circulation medium for fake news and low-quality content.
– Users are exposed to various dangers, such as data theft, scams, and malware.
– They can generate loss of ability to engage in face-to-face social relationships in the physical world.
ICT Examples
The most important of information and communication technologies is the Internet. All other ICTs have been developed based on it. Let’s see some examples.
Social networks
They are online communities that we access to share content, inform ourselves, start a conversation, look for or offer a job and make or consume advertisements. For example, Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.
Instant messaging
It allows people to communicate instantly via text, voice or video messages, no matter how far apart they are. WhatsApp or Telegram are examples of instant messaging.
online education
It is a set of software designed to enhance distance learning. There are also websites that offer online courses on various topics.
electronic commerce
It refers to making purchases and sales over the Internet. There are online stores (such as Amazon) and websites that give individuals the option of selling their own products and services.
Electronic banking
Currently, a large number of procedures that previously required going to the bank can be carried out through the Internet, such as updating data, paying the credit card or opening accounts.
electronic government
Many governments around the world are saving money and reducing bureaucracy by digitizing the most common procedures, such as paying taxes.
digital information
Today we do not need to go to the media web, we can inform ourselves on social networks or through applications that collect information according to our personal interests.
video in streaming
Content previously seen only on television and in theaters is now available on mobile phones, tablets, and computers thanks to YouTube, Netflix, and a handful of subscription companies.
Virtual reality
He uses digital technology to build detailed reproductions of the real world. It has applications in medicine and engineering and is a form of entertainment.
mobile applications
They are downloadable software with which you can do countless things: learn a language, meditate, play games, read digital books or enter social networks.
(2019). What are ICTs? And why are they so important? Taken from claro.com.co. (2020). What are ICTs and what are they for? Latin University of Costa Rica. Taken from ulatina.ac.cr. (2022). What types of ICT exist? Southern New Hampshire University. Taken from es.snhu.edu. (s/f). ICT in education. Taken from es.unesco.org. (s/f). Advantages and Disadvantages of ICTs. Taken to actualidadtecnologica.com.