2 agosto, 2024

How to see cookies in the inspector? | Bootcamps

Cookies are a very interesting topic to discuss, there are people in favor, against and others who simply care. Regardless of what your opinion is, You can view cookies in the inspector directly in your browser if you are ever curious about them. In this post, we explain how to do it.

View cookies in the inspector

Viewing the cookies that a website has in browsers is really very simple. Although there are more specialized tools on the subject, the truth is that You can do it directly in your browser without needing anything else.

Open inspector

The first thing you need to do to see cookies in the inspector is to open it. You have two ways to do it:

You can do Ctrl+Shift+I when you are on the page you want to inspect
You can right click and select Inspect.

When you open the inspector, you will be presented with several options. You must select the one that says application or application.

Open application

If you get something like this and you can’t see the application, All you have to do is go to the top panel and click on the two arrows there.

A menu will appear, in which you must search application and click.

Find cookies

Once you have the application open, you can find where to see cookies in the inspector. It will appear in the menu on the left and you just have to look for the one that says cookies.

When you open the menu, it allows you to see the cookies in the inspector. You must select the website you want to analyze and, in the right panel, a series of columns will appear that allow you to see the cookies that are installed.

By viewing cookies in the inspector, you can check which ones are currently working and which ones are safe to have installed.

In the first column you can see where the cookies are saved and which ones will be deleted in that same session. You can also see which are persistent cookies, which are the ones that will remain even after you close the page.

Your cookies

Viewing cookies in the inspector helps you verify what types of cookies are currently being used. However, There is another way to verify the cookies you have saved. These cookies can be seen in Google Chrome and are the ones that directly affect you.

To be able to see them, what you must do is go to the three dots at the top right of Google Chrome and go to settings.

When you are in settings, you must look for the privacy option and go to cookies and other data.

When you open this panel, Google Chrome gives you configuration options for the cookies you want to receive.. It also has a section where you can verify the cookies of the sites you have visited.

And here you can check and change the different cookies.

You want to know more?

The topic of digital analytics is extensive and very valuable, especially if you are thinking of entering digital marketing. If you want to start from scratch and learn everything you need to access this sector, try our Digital Marketing and Data Analysis Bootcamp. Sign up now and change your life!

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