26 julio, 2024

How to convert a number to a string in JavaScript [3 formas]

Would you like to know how to convert a number into string in JavaScript in 3 different ways? To discover each of them, continue reading this article. This may seem like a very simple exercise, but it is important to know all the ways it can be done to develop as perfect a code program as possible. So, below we will talk about the methods with which you can convert a number into string in JavaScript.

How to convert a number to a string in JavaScript

Know how to convert a number into string in JavaScript can change your life on your programming path, since you may need this knowledge in any code program you make. So, below we bring you 3 ways to convert a number into string in JavaScript.

toString method

The first method to convert a number into string in JavaScript it is the use of module toString when the numbers are perfectly defined. This can also be used for decimal numbers with the module floatingNum.toString(). Below is the code representation of the use of the method toString:

let a = 16;
console.log(«Convert number 100 to string», a.toString());

// returns as result: Convert the number 16 to string «16»

String() constructor

Secondly, you can use the String() constructor to transform a number into a string or string. To use it, you must integrate the integer or decimal number as a variable in the string() constructor.

This will work as follows:

let num = 160;
console.log(«Convert number 10 to String =», String(num));

// returns as a result convert number 160 to String = «160»

Concatenate the number with a string or empty string

Lastly, you can concatenate the number with a string or string empty to form the string you are looking for, as you can see below:

let num = 10;
console.log(«Convert number 10 to String =», (num + »));

// returns as a result Convert number 10 to String = «10»

With any of these three ways, you will achieve your main objective: forming a chain, which can be used in the development of other code programs that need this procedure.

This is just one of the possible tasks you can accomplish on your JavaScript journey. Can you think of how to do it the other way around? If you want to know more, don’t miss the article on 5 methods to convert a string in number in JavaScript.

Now what can you do?

If you have finished this article, you have learned how to convert a number into string in JavaScript. Since we want you to continue learning, we invite you to our Full Stack Jr. Bootcamp Learn to Program from Scratch. ¡Ask for information and change your life by entering the IT sector in a few months!

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