15 septiembre, 2024

How the CSV module works in Python

Python is one of the most used programming languages ​​today due to its variety of tools and attributes, such as the CSV module. These tools allow you to build a robust code program characterized by the practicality and ease of writing and executing it. A tool like the CSV module in Python is a great example of how Python modules work.

What is CSV format?

Before you learn how the CSV module works in Python, we will remember what the CSV format is about to control databases. The CSV or Comma Separated Value format configures the form of representation of databases and spreadsheets where there is a large amount of data that belongs to a specific type or nature of the program.. This format, as its English acronym establishes, is responsible for separating the values ​​or data in the CSV file using commas.

How does CSV module work in Python?

Now that you remember what the CSV format is, you are ready to learn what the CSV module in Python is about, some of its methods and its functionality in code programs.

Initially, many of the code programs that have been written over the years have needed to attach a document that stores a spreadsheet or database; Therefore, many programming languages ​​have needed a tool to read, write and overwrite these files.

All the modules that we show you below are exposed in the official Python documentation. This csv python library is divided into functions, classes and constants, as well as dialects and parameters to format the lines of code or data of a CSV file.

CSV Module Features

Below, we present some of the functions that are used and are components of the csv module of the Python programming language.

cvs.reader function

The csv reader python function is responsible for generating a reader that will iterate over each of the lines of a document that has the CSV format. This function must use the method newline = » » to generate a csvfile and be able to read the document with the corresponding file.

cvs.writer function

The cvs.writer function is responsible for generating a writer object from the CSV format database. It is responsible for transforming the same data of the user in strings or strings in the document that has been created. This function is responsible for writing objects into a csvfile document.

Other functions of the CSV module

In addition to the main functions already established, there are others that are used to associate objects, dialects and names within a code program that examines a CSV format file. Some of these functions are csv.register_dialect, csv.unregister_dialect, csv.get_dialect or csv.list_dialectamong other functions used in a Python code program.

CSV module classes

Below, we present some of the classes that are used and are part of the CSV module of the Python programming language:

class csv.DictReader

This class creates an object that is responsible for reading and mapping the information of each row, whose keys are given by the file filename. When this class opens a file, its role is to take the sequence of parameters and read it line by line.

You will use the first line to set it as the key of a CSV file.

class csv.DictWriter

This class, like the previous one, is responsible for establishing an object that resembles the writer function. However, what it does is map the dictionaries to the output rows of a CSV file.

class csv.Dialect

The Python CSV Module Class csv.Dialect It is responsible for containing information about how to act against delimiters, white spaces and double quotes.

Other CSV module classes

There are other classes in this module that are responsible for holding, controlling and translating other aspects of a CSV format data document. Some of them are class csv.excel, class csv.excel_tab or class csv.Sniferamong other classes that belong to the CSV module in Python.

Now, although you already know how the CSV module works in Python from its classes and functions, you still have a lot to learn.

Keep learning about Python

You already know how the CSV module works in Python, so you are closer to knowing all the tools that Python offers to all users and programmers of the language. These are very useful, as they facilitate the entire process of knowledge and learning.

So if you want continue learning about programming, the IT sector and the development of web applications, we recommend that you review the Learn to Program from Scratch Full Stack Jr. Bootcamp syllabus. Through this you can become a professional programmer in less than a year. Dare to sign up and keep programming!

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