Each time your interest in web development and the desire to become a developer grows and it is at this moment where you ask yourself about the most basic things that had never occurred to you before.
You are there every day, from your computer, visiting sites or downloading files, in the end everything is very simple, just a couple of clicks is enough, but have you ever wondered Do you really know how the web works? In this post we will explain how the world Wide Web and everything it can offer you beyond what you know until now.
What is the Web?
To understand how the website works, you must first know what it is. The world Wide Web or better known by its abbreviation Web, It is a division or subset of the Internet itself which consists of the websites that you can access from your daily use browser.
On the other hand, the Internet is the global network of servers that allow the exchange of information within the Web. On many occasions these two terms are used with a certain similarity, but it is important to understand that they are two very different concepts.
In other words, the Web is one of the media that you can use through the Internetother media that exist and serve as an example are emails or instant messaging applications.
How does the Web work?
The web operation is built from two points or two protagonists. These They are clients and serversthanks to the interaction between these two, most of the things you know about the web and the internet as such are generated.
These clients and servers, what they really are, are computers connected to the Webit is their actions carried out that call them clients or on the other hand servers, this is because the clients are the ones that send requests that are received by the servers and likewise the servers send responses again to the clients.
The clients, as such are the devices that access the interneteither Wifi or some data network and thus they can use some software as a tool to enter the website.
On the other hand, Servers are computers that store applications, websites, or other pages. When a client makes a request to the server, a copy of the website is downloaded from the server to be transmitted to the client’s device and to the client’s browser.
This as such is a superficial explanation of how the web works, but there are actually many background actions which are what allow this to look so simple.
IP adress
Taking into account that the Internet is a large network of devices interconnected with each other globally, each of these devices needs an identification number to be found within the network, just as a person needs a passport to enter another country. On devices, This identification is called the IP address and is assigned by Internet Service Providers (ISP). This identification number is what allows any device, once it is connected to the Internet, to communicate with other devices.
This is one of the essential aspects to understand how the web and each of its aspects works.
All sites on the web are identified by an address URL (Uniform Resource Locator). The URL It is a unique address that each website has to make it easier for any user to access thousands of websites. It’s like addresses in a city, each place has an address, so when you want to get to a specific place, you can be guided by the numbers contained in said address and reach the desired place.
As the information that is present on the network is designed to be processed by a machine more easily than by a person. All websites are based on different languagesas they are HTML, that contains the structure and content of the site, or csswhich is responsible for the design or style of the page. What the browser does is interpret all the information and show it to you in a way that you can understand it.
Where to continue?
Now you know how the Web works and also what is the best option to do it. makes it very easy for you with its Full Stack Bootcamp in Web Development, with which you will master both the frontend and the backend in record time. Don’t think twice, places are flying!