Well, in Python and any other language that has such an operator. In reality, the ternary operator is more commonly called conditional expression in Python.
This is a shortened version of an expression if, which fits on a single line. It should be used for very simple situations and in no case should it be abused. When in doubt, use a if normal.
Let’s look at an example, first with a if normal and then with the equivalent conditional expression (ternary operator):
x = 43 if x == 42: result = ‘is the answer’ else: result = ‘you were close to him’
The structure of a conditional expression is as follows:
Therefore, if the previous code were rewritten with a ternary operator (conditional expression), it would look like this:
x = 43 result = ‘is the answer’ if x == 42 else ‘you were close to him’ result # will contain ‘you were close to him’