18 septiembre, 2024

How does a mobile APP work? | Bootcamps

Do you know how a mobile APP works? Do you know what kind of tools you need to learn how to develop mobile applications? If you still don’t know, but would like to learn more about it, we invite you to continue reading this post, where we are going to explore how a mobile APP works, what JSON is and how the communication of the apps from different devices with servers.

How does a mobile APP work?

A mobile application must always be connected to a server, like the connection and transfer of information that is made from a website to an external server. In this case, a mobile application connects to a specific point to store it in a site’s catalog. In this way, as we told you in our post about the server, the applications use **** requests to a web server and, instead of responding with HTML data, they do so with another format, which can be JSON or XML.. Even so, although the first ones are more recurrent, since JSON is used everywhere, the others can also appear, although they are used less.

The previous graphic representation better explains what the data transfer between the client and the server consists of; nevertheless, Do we really know what JSON is and how it works? In the next section we delve into it.

What is JSON?

The tool in which the server’s response is offered to the application is JSON, a data exchange format between programs, which is characterized by being a group of data from the same language and which is shared between two different programs. On the other hand, JSON is based on JavaScript object literal notation, so it is a similar tool, but it is not the same.

JSON was born to replace XML, which is another data exchange format, compatible with any programming language.. This means that the programs can be of different technologies, but they can be understood in the same way, because in all programming languages ​​there are libraries that work with JSON and that translate these elements. We can make two applications of different technologies exchange data.

For example, we have a mobile application made in Swift on iOS and Kotlin on Android, which sends requests to a server and, in addition, is set in a specific language and responds with JSON.

App communication of different devices with the server

Mobile applications are not the only ones that have communication with servers. Many devices connect and transfer data to servers so that they return it in JSON-based data. Some of the devices that maintain the same communication with the same parameters are:

Applications on mobile devices. Tablets usually have the same tools that mobile phones store. Smart watches, which you can use for alarms or reminders. Web applications with servers, which appear when we download JS elements to the server, so that it is shared as if it were a program that receives data in JSON.

What is the next step?

This is how you learned about how a mobile APP works and what tools you need to learn, such as JSON and Swift, to start creating mobile applications that help you start transferring data from one place to another. If you want to learn more about website development, we invite you to take a look at the Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp syllabus, which has a group of modules perfect for becoming an expert in web development. Request more information now and change your life!

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